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Ryujin pov

I'm on Lia's back and we're riding to somewhere. I can't believe I'm riding a werewolf right now. It's not very comfortable. I have a feeling my inner thighs will be sore tomorrow.

Lia stops running when we get to this small looking house. She throws me off her and I curse her. My butt hurts now.

She shifts back to her human form again and I look away again. "Can you not do that in front of me? You could have gone inside that house or behind a tree or something. When Yeji learns that were mates and she finds out I saw you naked before her, I'm sure both of us will be dead" I say covering my eyes.

"Hand me my clothes" she ignores me and get dressed.

"What happened? Why did we have to leave? Is Yeji okay? I probably should have asked that first. Don't tell Yeji I talked about your nakedness first before asking if she's okay" I ramble on.

"The protectors came looking for you so Alpha instructed me to take you here. Don't worry, there's no fight happening so she's okay but we have to stay here until she says we can come back" Lia says.

"Lia, while we're here can you please help me train. Help me shift. Please" I beg her. I need to be able to protect myself in case Yeji might betray me. I don't know how the protectors found out where I was but I can't exempt the Hwangs from the possible suspects.

"Okay. Let's start now" she says.

"Okay" I say.

I attack her without warning and she flips me on my back. "You're being too reckless. Fighting is based on technique. You can't get carried away by your emotions" she explains while she helps me stand up.

"Fighting is natural for us. You have the skills already, you just need to hone it. When you're fighting with your enemy, they will do their best to get under your skin. So don't lose your cool and focus on the fight."

"Now attack me again" she says.

I run after her again ready to punch her but she swipes my hand to the side then punched my face.

"When you attack, always know your next move in case they're able to block you. You need to be one step ahead of your enemy. Never leave yourself open like that. Even if you're the one attacking, you need to be able to defend yourself right away. Attack again" she says.

I attack her again but this time I'm able to land a punch on her body and I flip her over my shoulder. She stands up and smiles at me.

"Good. Keep those points in my mind, you'll be a good fighter before you know it" she says.

"Can we try shifting now?" I ask.

"How are you and your wolf getting along?" She ask.

"I think we're doing well. She's a bit sassy but nothing I can't handle" I say.

'Speak for yourself' Jo butts in.

"Okay this is where it might be tough for you. It's your first time to shift so it's gonna hurt really bad. What you need to do is let your wolf take over your body. Its gonna be hard to let go when you start feeling pain but resist. After the first few shifts, it won't hurt that bad then it won't hurt at all" she explains.

"Has anyone died because of shifting?" I ask afraid I might die.

"No. Are you ready?" I nod my head and inhaled.

'You ready Jo?' I ask.

'I was born ready' she says.

I close my eyes and relax to let Jo take over my body. I feel my body temperature rising. I feel like I'm burning from the inside. I hear ringing in my ears then I feel my jaw start popping.

My bones start to hurt like they're breaking. You can hear the echoes of my bones cracking in the air. I fall on the ground on all fours and I see my hand doesn't look like a human hand anymore. I scream when I feel my spine break apart. After a few minutes more of bone breaking pain, it stops, even the ringing stops and burning feeling is gone.

I look around and everything looks different through these set of eyes.

'Jo? How cool do we look?' I ask.

'I think we're the coolest werewolf anyone has ever seen' Jo says.

We see Lia stand in front of us asking us if we're okay, Jo nods her big head. This is so cool.

'I want to go for a run' Jo says.

'Let's go then!' I encourage her forgetting that were technically hiding.

Jo takes off and we hear Lia yelling at us to stop. Of course we didn't listen. We run and run not caring where were going. It just feels good to run and let off some steam. We're also testing out our translupine abilities. Instead of going around trees or other things, we just run through them.

When we start to feel tired, we run back to the small house where we left Lia. I shift back to my human form and it's not as painful as going into your wolf form. I stand there naked so I run inside the house as fast as I could while covering my essential body parts.

After getting dressed, I look for Lia and I can't find her. I go back outside and I see her standing her, looking scared like she's seen a ghost.

"Lia, what happened? Are you okay?" She flinches when I try to touch her so I pull away.

"What's wrong?"I ask keeping my distance now.

"W–what are you?" She stutters, her body shaking.

"What? What are you talking about?" I ask confuse.

"I followed you. I saw you. I saw you just go through solid objects. What are you!?" She yells.

"Is that why we can't sense your wolf? Because you're not really a wolf? Are you shape-shifter?" She says still sounding scared.

"I can explain" I say.

Lia comes close to me and stabs my arm with something. I look at my arm and I see her hand, she's wearing gloves. She let's go of what she stabs me with, keeping in my arm. I look at it and it's silver.

She backs away looking more scared. She points at the silver in my arm. "Why isn't that affecting you? You should be in pain right now."

"Lia, I am a werewolf. I'm one of you. If you let me explain. Don't be scared please" I beg her.

"How is silver not affecting you!?" She yells.

"I don't know but I'm not a regular werewolf. Take me back to Yeji and I'll explain everything" I plead.

"Why would I trust you?" She says.

"If I wanted to do harm in your pack, don't you know think I would have done it by now? How I'm different is why the protectors are after me" I explain.

"Maybe I should give you to them" she says making me widen my eyes.

"No. Please don't. They'll kill me. I'm not bad. I don't want you hurt anyone" I get on my knees begging her.

"If you don't trust me, you can tie me up until Yeji gets here. Please" I beg more.

"It doesn't matter if I tie you up, you can just pass through them. I can't weaken you with silver because it has no effect" she says frustrated.

"I can't let you go either or Alpha will kill me" she rubs her face out of frustration.

"I have no choice but to trust that you won't hurt me right now" Lia says.

"I'll keep my distance from you" I say before going back in the house. We wait until Yeji arrives and I have no choice to explain to them what I am.

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