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Ryujin pov

I wake up in the middle night with a painful headache. I make my way to the kitchen when I hear my parents talking in their room. I sneakily go close to their door so listen in ther conversation.

"Should we tell Ryujin who she really is?" My mom asks my dad.

"I'm not sure. Even the High Priestess' powers is barely enough to control her wolf" my dad says.

I cover my mouth so I don't make a sound. Wolf? My wolf? What does that mean?

"If we tell her, maybe we can help her control it" my mom suggests.

"What about the protectors?" My dad reminds her.

"You're forgetting that she's not a regular werewolf. If we can teach her how to use her ability then she can use it to hide herself from other werewolves" my mom says.

I'm a werewolf? If I'm a werewolf, why would werewolves just to hurt me?

"If we're not careful though then we can forget about her too. I don't know if I want to risk that" my dad says.

"Why would you forget about me?" I finally step in

"Ryujin! How long have you been there!?" My mom jumps a little from being startled.

"Long enough to know I'm a werewolf. Is what happened to me last night is because of my wolf?" I say looking at them with pain in my eyes. I can't believe they've kept this from me.

"Ryujin, were so sorry. You have to remember we were just trying to protect you. We didn't want you to end up like your mom" my mom starts crying.

"Please tell me. What am I? Why are you hiding me? Who are these protectors?" I asks.

"You're a werewolf but your kind is a feared werewolf. You're the last one alive. Because your mom protected you from a wizard, which the the wolves thought were human. The protectors are kind of like the punisher of your kind. They punished your mom by killing her and anyone related to Kludde. We barely saved you" She explained.

"So if I stop taking my medicine, my wolf will come out? What does that mean? I'm gonna look like a big dog? I'm gonna grow hair all over my body?" I asks.

"No, Ryujin. The voice that you hear in your head when you miss your medicine is your wolf" my dad sighs.

"So I'm not crazy?"

"You are but not because of the voice in your head" my dad says smiling at me.

"Jinyoung, stop joking around" my mom says making me laugh.

"Your wolf can probably explain things better for you than we could since we're not really sure how wolf shifts and stuff like that" my mom says.

"How long will the medication lose its effect once I stop?" I asks.

"Since you're becoming more powerful now, your wolf will probably wake up as soon as you miss your next dose" my dad says.

"Are you ready to meet your wolf?" My mom asks.

"I'm scared because I don't know what to expect. Is my wolf gonna bite me?"

"Ryujin, you and your wolf are one. You can physically shift to your wolf and look like one of those big dogs you talk about" my dad shakes his head at me.

"So I am gonna be come hairy!" I raise my voice.

"Ryujin! That's the least of your problems right now" my mom scolds me.

"When are you supposed to take your meds next?" My dad asks.

"In a few hours. I woke up with a headache so I was going to take something for it" I hold my head.

"But if the wolves are trying to kill me because of what my mom did, why would the wizards want to hurt me? You said my mom protected me from a wizard so why would they hurt a young one like me?" I pout.

"You were blessed with another ability" my mom starts.

"Say whaaa? Me? A human who just recently found out they're a werewolf, has a special ability? Me?" I say with an annoying tone.

"I should smack you for that" my mom glares at me.

"Ryujin, focus" my dad tries to say seriously but fail because he thought what I did was funny too.

"Do you want to know or not?" My mom is annoyed with me.

"What special power do I have?" I ask seriously now.

"Most wolves use their strength and speed. Your wolf has those but you also have the ability to be stealthy and other things" she says.

"Do you remember anything last night before we put you to sleep?" My dad asks.

"Yea, earlier you said something about forgetting me then same thing last night. You said you won't forget me. My eyes were a different color and I couldn't touch anything" I say trying to remember everything.

"Your mom already knew you were not a regular wolf the moment you were born. You're a translupine wolf, Ryujin" my mom announces.

I gasps and hold my chest from shock. "Wait, what's that?" I then say.

"Stop being dramatic for once" my dad chuckles and my mom glares at him.

"Sorry. It became a habit but what is it?" I asks.

"It's a rare kind of wolf. No one really knows how they come about. Everyone just assumes that the moon goddess just chooses who she wants to be a translupine. Your mom came of Kludde and your dad is from the Amarok. Both very aggressive wolves and you're half of each plus the whole being translupine part" my dad says.

"Dad, that did not answer my questions at all. What's a translupine? What makes them special? Or rare as you say?" I asks.

"Translupine wolves are rare because they can manipulate their own self. You've experienced some of it. They can pass through solid objects or any living thing. They can shift their own destiny when passing through any living creature which can allow them to destroy a vital organ. They can also even diminish their own existence. They can alter the people's reality around them and it would be seem like they've never existed. When we were telling you to think about us, we were trying to anchor you into our reality. If you're not careful and don't anchor yourself to someone or something, people will forget about you. With all these abilities plus your strength from your ancestors, you're the rarest and most dangerous wolf to exist" my mom explains blowing my mind. I don't know what to say or how to react. I thought I was just a normal human being with anger issues.

"It also explains why you have amber colored eyes" my dad adds.

"Oh, I almost forgot the most important thing. Being translupine can help you hide your identity. You can hide your wolf presence from other wolves. They can't smell you or anything" my mom says.

"So I can use it to hide from the protectors? Or any wolves that might want to harm me?" I asks.

"You have to work on it but yes you can" my dad answers.

"How do you know all these?" I asks being extremely curious.

"I told you, your mom knew you were different the moment you were born. She came to us for help to figure out what makes you different. Sadly, we didn't get all the answers before she was killed but your mom and I never stopped. That's when we found out you were translupine and why the wizards were after you. They didn't like that one kind has so much power. Witches and Wizards have magic. Vampires and werewolves have strength with the occasional special abilities but you possess more than one kind of special abilities and this scared the wizards" my dad explains to me. I'm trying to wrap my head into everything. I didn't realize I was this special.

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