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Ryujin pov

"What's happening?" I ask my mom.

"It's nothing. We just don't trust the guy so we don't want him to know we have a daughter but what did you say about your therapist?" She changes the topic.

"I need new medications because I've been needing to take more than once a day" I say.

We heard a loud noise downstairs and some screaming. I run out before my mom could stop me.

"I know that's her! Don't lie to me!" The man yells.

"I don't know what you're talking about" my dad say calmly.

"Are you really gonna lie to my face? When she looks exactly like her mother? She was entrusted to you and you took her away" he yells at my dad.

"Dad, what is he talking about?" I interrupt them.

The man looks at me, "Ryujin?"

"H–how do you know my name?" I stutter.

"Enough!" My dad yells and then he sounded like he was chanting something. The man suddenly screams and was thrown outside.

"What was that!?" I ask freaking out.

"Don't worry about it. You won't remember any of this tomorrow" he says before flicking me on the head.


Yeji pov

"Alpha. Here is the information on the Ryujin girl" Minju says.

"Bring it here" I say while I grab it from her hand.

I open the file and scan through everything. There's nothing unusual about her, graduated high school, didn't go to college, works at my dad's café, goes to therapy, almost drowned someone.

What the fuck!? She almost killed someone!

"Call Jisu to come here, now!" I say with anger.

Jisu comes right away. "Did you know she almost killed someone?" I ask.

"She was young. She has anger issues and she's getting help for it. I'm not planning to date her so stop with all these background searches on her" she says to me.

I don't even know if I'm doing this because of Jisu or if I just want to know more about her since she's so mysterious.


The next day...

Ryujin pov

I wake up with a killer headache. I look around to see that I'm in my old room. What am I doing here?

I get up from my bed and walk downstairs. I see my mom and dad eating breakfast in the kitchen.

My mom sees me first and helps me walk to the kitchen. "What happened? Why am I here? Why does my head hurt so much?" I ask.

"You came over yesterday and you didn't look too good. You said your therapist told you we need to change your medications so we got those for you today" my mom hands me a new bottle of medication.

"Why don't I remember anything from yesterday?" I ask drinking some water.

"I'm not sure. Like I said you were pretty sick" my dad says.

"We're thinking about moving and you need to come with us" my mom says out of nowhere.

"What? No!" I grab my head because I hurt from my sudden reaction, "Mom, why do I need to go with you? I'm an adult now. My life is here now. I have a job and my friends are here."

"It's not safe for you here anymore" my mom whispers.

"What do you mean not safe? I didn't even know I was in danger before" I say still trying to fight my headache.

"We're just doing what's best for you, Ryujin. From the moment we took you in, all we've been doing is trying to protect you" my dad says in his stern voice.

"Please try to understand from my perspective! Nothing you're saying is making sense to me!" I yell.

"Don't yell at us! Just trust us!" My mom cries.

I hear ringing in my ears and the pain in my head is getting worse. "Mom, what's happening to me?!" I scream.

My body temperature is quickly rising and my bones feel like they're breaking.

"Sana, grab the injection" I barely hear my dad yell to my mom.

I hear a bunch of noises but I'm too distracted by the pain I'm feeling. I suddenly feel something stab my neck and the pain slowly starts to go away. I barely open my eyes and I see my parents looking at me full of worries. I try to say something but my body feels too weak I keep looking at them until I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore.


Yeji pov

I decided to go to the café again today. I just feel like going. Jisu teases me saying I fell for Ryujin's charm which is impossible. I can't stand the girl. She's related to witches.

My driver quickly drives me there. I notice it's not as busy today. I walk in and there's no smell of mocha bread and tangerines. I thought it was odd but didn't think much of it.

"Ms. Hwang, it's nice for you to visit us again" the small girl say to me as I look around.

"Where's Ryujin?" I ask clearly unhappy that my employee is skipping work.

"Her parents called and they said she is sick so she won't make it to work today" The taller of the two say to me. 

I release a sigh of frustration. Why am I upset that she's not here? What did I expect to happen by coming here?

"Do you know where she lives?" I ask.

"Yes but she probably won't be at her place if she's sick" the short girl talks again.

"Do you know where parents live then?" I say getting annoyed.

"Boss, didn't you look at her file? Everything is in there. Her parents are her emergency contact so their information is there as well" the short girl answers.

I release a low growl not loud enough for them to hear. 

I leave the place right away and called Minju to text me the address of Ryujin's parents.

When we arrive, I see a man standing across the street. As I look closely, he seems familiar. I walk up to him and look at him confused.

"Mr. Shin? What are you doing here? I thought you were traveling the world?" I say clearly unsure.

"Alpha Yeji, I should ask the same thing. What are you doing here?" He asks.

"I was going to see an employee of mine. I found out they're sick so I wanted to check on them" I lie.

"I see. Don't mind me then. Carry on with your business" he says still not looking away from the house.

I start to cross the street when he stops me.

"Yes?" I say.

"You're going to that house? Your employee is in there?" He asks with a weird tone.


"What's her name?"

"Ryujin" I reply.

"Alpha, please help me" he gets on his knees.

I stare at him wondering if I'm being filmed somewhere. Why would Mr. Shin ask for my help?


I'm sorry this chapter has a lot of pov switches. I'll try not to do it as much as I can.  Enjoy!

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