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Yeji pov

"What do you mean you need my help?" I ask.

"Ryujin is—" he tries to say but he can't finish his sentence. He bites his lower lip looking like he's in pain.

"Ryujin is what Mr. Shin?" I ask again.

He takes a deep breath and tries to start his sentence but the same thing happens, he's struggling to say whatever he wants to say.

"Fuck!" He curses leaving me in all sorts of confusion.

"They cursed me!" He yells out.

"What? Who?" I asks still confuse.

"The witch and warlock that lives in that house" he points at the house across the street.

"Ryujin's parents?" I ask, still nothing making sense. Why would Mr. Shin be out here and why would they put a curse on him.

"Why would they put a curse on you?" I ask.

"They don't want me to talk about her. Probably to stop me from asking for help like what I was trying to do with you" he says.

"Her? Ryujin?" I ask and he nods. What is so special about this girl that even Mr. Shin is after her. Does my dad know about her and her parents? He must have.

I look at Mr. Shin still staring at the house and he looks so sad. "For over 20 years, searched for you and now that I found you, I can't go near you or talk to you" he whispers.

"Why not?" I ask startling him. He probably forgot I was here.

"After our last meeting, I found out the truth so they put a curse on me. They know I won't stop until I get her" he says.

"Why do you want to get her?" I ask.

"Because—" the same thing happens again. He's in pain, he can't talk about it. It's not only making him frustrated but also me.

I end up leaving Mr. Shin and I go across the street and knock on their door. A woman answers lookin tired like she just finished doing some sort of work out.

"Can I help you?" She asks.

"Oh. I'm Ryujin's boss and I heard she's sick so I just wanted to make sure she's okay" I say faking a smile.

"Ahh yes" she looks behind her, kind of suspicious, "she's fine. She just needs to rest, that's all."

"I see, is she awake by any chance? I'd like to speak to her" I say as politely as I can.

"No she's not. She's taking a rest but I'll be sure to tell her that you stopped by" she says. I notice her look behind and I think she sees Mr. Shin because she suddenly says she has to go then slams the door.

I try to listen if using my wolf hearing but they must have put some sort of spell around the house since I can't hear anything.

I look back at Mr. Shin and he's still standing there watching the house. I nod to him and I go back to my car. I tell the driver to drive me home. I want to talk to my dad if he knows about Ryujin.

At the pack house, I quickly head to my dad's room.

"Do you not knock anymore since you're Alpha?" He says to me.

"Do you know that Ryujin's parents are a witch and warlock?" I ask right away.

He looks at me, "Yes. That's why I keep an eye on her."

"Why? She could be a witch too" I say feeling angry that he didn't share this information with me.

"She's not. We can sense that sort of thing. She hasn't showed any sort of magical powers. We're descendants of Faoladh werewolves, guardians of children, wounded and lost souls, but we protect all human now. When I found out that she's being taken care of by witches, I decided to look after her and she's just a normal human" he says to me.

"I saw Mr. Shin in front of their house. He seems to know Ryujin too" I say.

"That's odd. What does he need with Ryujin?" He asks out loud, not necessarily to me.

"That's what I want to know. Ever since I took over being Alpha, everything seems to involve her!" I growled. 

I open his door not controlling my strength and I pull it off its hinges. I didn't even bother to look back. I just keep walking until I make it outside. I shift to my wolf and I start to run. I need to calm down and running usually helps.

I sense that Jisu is following but I didn't bother stopping her. I just continue to run feeling the breeze through my fur. I make it to a cliff where I usually go when I'm having a hard time. I shift back to my human body.

'I don't think Ryujin is a normal human' Lucy says to me.

'I know Lucy but what is she?' I ask.

'I don't know but I have the need to protect her and you do too but you're too focused on trying to figure out what she is' She says to me.

'Why do you think I want to protect her?' I scoff.

'Oh okay, were lying to each other now. Cool' she sarcastically say.

'You're not upset that she could be a witch. You're upset because you don't know how to get her away from them. If you didn't care then why did you want to go to her house just to see her and when you found out that she was at her parents, you still went despite hating witches because you want to see if she's okay then you got angry when you couldn't see her because you don't know if she's really okay or not. Don't forget I know everything about you and how you feel' she says to me.

'You're annoying.'

"Jisu, you can come out" I say knowing she's hiding somewhere.

She comes out and sits next to me.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"I don't know. This whole Ryujin thing is making me crazy" I sigh looking up in the sky.

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