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Ryujin pov

I'm running towards the coven. I still can't believe I figured this out. I probably should inform Yeji but she's busy and I don't know if my theory is correct. I don't want to pull them away from here and turns out I'm wrong.

When I'm near the coven, I shift to human body because it would be weird if people see a giant werewolf gallivanting around. So I thought its better to just walk around naked.

I walk to the coven and I know people are looking. I'm glad that I'm not too late though or maybe they're not planning to attack here.

I just figured if they want to take me down then they'll go after the ones I care about the most.

"Hey! Put some clothes on or I'll call the cops!" Someone yells.

"Call them! I don't care but tell them to arrest me later. I'm busy at the moment!" I yell back before ringing the doorbell for the coven.

"Put some clothes on!" Someone else yells.

"I'm trying!" I yell back.

The door finally opens and I run inside. I don't need anymore people to yell at me. Besides they all saw me naked, Yeji might not like that.

"Ryujin? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with Yeji? We were just about to head over there?" Momski asks.

"Change of plans. I think they're planning to attack here. I was just there and there's no way that was a real attack" I say.

"Why do you think they're coming here?" My mom, Sana comes and asks, also handing me clothes.

"Because all of you are here" I answer as I get dressed.

"Wha—" my dad was about to say something when the building suddenly starts shaking.

"Earthquake?" Momski asks.

"No" my dad says, "We need to get out before this place caves in on us!" He continues.

They all run out. I stay back, making sure everyone gets out alright. Once I know that everyone is gone, I follow them out. I stop on my tracks when I see Mr. Shin standing in front of the coven.

"Did you miss me?" He looks at my momski.

"I thought you were six feet under?" I ask.

"Ryujin!" My mom scolds me. Even with my momski here, she still enjoys scolding me.

"I didn't expect you to actually figure out the coven is our target" Mr. Shin chuckles.

"What's so funny? That someone like me would figure it out? Or are you embarrassed that your little distraction didn't work? I bet this was your idea huh? The wizards actually wanted to target that pack but you had a personal reason to attack the coven but here I am standing in front of you, looking gorgeous as ever" I mock him.

"Why you—" he angrily starts off saying.

"What? Are you gonna fight me? Oh, wait, that's already the plan" I mock him even more.

"Ryujin, enough" my momski tells me.

"How can you act like this when you're about to die? You think pretending not to be scared is gonna help you?" He glares at me.

"You think I'm scared? You're the one acting brave because you know you have magic to back you up. Just know that if I do die, I'm taking you with me. Yuna is such a lovely werewolf. I pity her for having a father like you" I bitterly say.

I can tell I'm starting to get under his nerves which is the plan. It might be a bad plan but at least it's a plan.

"Don't use my daughter against me!" He yells then lunges towards me while shifting.

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