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Yeji pov

Jisu mindlink me that they made it to the safe house but I need to go there right away and bring my dad with me. Now I'm scared that something happened and she's not telling me. Did Ryujin get hurt? Did someone follow them?

I tell my dad that we have to leave right away because something might have happened at the safe house. Jisu sounded scared. Maybe Ryujin did something to her and she's showing her true intentions now.

We put clothes in a bag and quickly shifted. My dad carried the bag in his mouth and run to the safe house as fast as we could.

We make it to the safe house and I see Jisu standing outside. We shift back to our human form and get dressed.

My wolf starts to go crazy.

'What's wrong?' I ask Lucy.

'Our mate. They're near' she says.

My eyes widen and I sniff the air. I smell the familiar mocha bread and tangerines. Why would that smell be here?

"Why are you out here?" I ask Jisu putting the mate scent aside.

"I'm not going in there with her or whatever she is" she says pointing at the house. I look at her in confusion. What happened between her and Ryujin.

I slowly make my way to front door and I look back to Jisu not following, same with my dad. I take a deep breath and open the door. The scent is strong in here making Lucy even more crazy.

"Ryujin?" I call her name walking into the house.

"In the kitchen" she yells.

I go to the kitchen and the scent is even stronger here. I see Ryujin sitting at the table with a glass of water in hand.

I make eye contact with her.

'Mate' Lucy growls.

"What the fuck!?" I accidentally say out loud.

"Ryujin? You're my mate? How am I only finding out now? How come I can smell you now?" I ask trying to process everything.

"So in the café and the other times I smelled this scent was because of you? Why didn't my wolf know? What are you?" I start to feel my anger rising. I feel betrayed and I feel like she's been playing with me this whole time.

"I'll explain everything. Just hear me out first before you try to kill me. Can you bring your dad and Lia here? Lia looks at me like I'm some kind of monster. Maybe I am but I at least want to explain to you" She sighs.

I walk out still not believing she's my mate. Nothing is making sense. How can I only sense her wolf now?

"She wants to talk to us. Jisu, come in. She's really upset that you think she's a monster" I say.

"I'm torn. I know she's Ryujin, she's nice and caring but after what I saw, my wolf is telling me to not go near her" she says.

"Just come in so we can understand better what's going on" I glare at her.

My dad walks past me to go in the house and I take Jisu hand to drag her in. I sit her down on the chair in the kitchen. Now all three of us are sitting across from Ryujin.

"Talk" I say seriously.

She takes a deep breath, "I don't know where to start. Maybe it's better if you ask questions" she says.

"How come we can sense your wolf now?" My dad ask first.

"I have the ability to hide my scent and presence. You know my mom is a descendant of Kludde and my dad is from Amaroks. But I'm more than that. I'm translupine, don't mistake it as tilapia like I did" she says.

I hear my dad snort next to me and I glare at him. I saw Ryujin smile too but when she sees me look at her, she became serious again.

"What's a translupine?" I ask.

My dad is suddenly the one to explain it. Their abilities to go through objects, even people, ability to diminish their existence. How they're known for their stealth than strength making her pretty much the most powerful and dangerous werewolf. I'm left speechless with this whole thing.

"I stabbed her with silver earlier and it didn't affect her" Jisu says making me look at her. She stabbed Ryujin?

"I don't know why that is either. I've never encountered silver. I felt the pain but I guess I was to supposed to feel more" Ryujin say.

"I can't believe this" my dad says slowly.

"What?" I ask.

"I've heard about translupine but we always thought they were just myths. I didn't think they're real. Wow" my dad says sounding amaze.

"That's why the wizards were after me because I'm translupine. I can show you how I can phase through things but I can't mess with my existence. If I'm not careful then I'll disappear and no one will even know I existed" she explains.

We watch as she tries to grab the empty glass and we're all shock to see that her hand just went through it. I rub my eyes because maybe I'm seeing things but it really happened.

"Does the protectors know this?" I ask my dad.

"I don't think so because I didn't know it" he says.

"Why did you really ask for our help? Are you planning to betray us?" I ask Ryujin.

"No. I'm not. I really am scared. I don't know how to be a werewolf. I'm still learning. I can't protect myself without help. When I found out you were my mate, I thought maybe you'd help" she says.

"When did you find out I was your mate?"

"When you were watching the coven. I actually snuck out and I knew you were my mate" she explains.

"What? We didn't see or hear you leave" I say confuse.

"Stealth" she whispers.

"Why didn't you tell me we were mates then?" I try not to be upset at the fact she hid that from me.

"Because I didn't trust you that well but I feel like i had no choice but to ask for help. I thought you would reject me if you find out I'm your mate then you kept hurting me" she says making me feel guilty that I did hurt her multiple times.

"We have to keep this to ourselves. Do not tell anyone else in the pack that Ryujin is a translupine" I look at Jisu and my dad.

"I'm sorry, Ryujin. For thinking for a moment that you're a monster" Jisu whispers.

"It's okay. I would too if I was in your shoes. When my parents first told me about it, I thought I was a monster too but I have no intentions of hurting anyone. I don't even know why I'm given this ability."

Ryujin then looks at me, "Are you going to reject me as your mate?"

I squint my eyes. Why would she think I would reject her?

"No. I'm actually glad you're my mate" I say.

She tilts her head, "Really?"

"Yes. I've been so confused about my feelings because I like you but I thought you weren't my mate but now that you are then I can continue my feelings for you" I explain.

"But why did you keep hurting me?" She asks.

"I honestly don't know. I keep losing control when I see you with Jisu being too friendly or just in general. My wolf feels extremely frustrated when you're around but it seems okay now" I explain to her.

I see Ryujin's eye widen in fear looking behind me like she sees a ghost. We all turn around to see my dad's brother standing in the entry way.

How did we not notice he was following. I was too focused on Jisu and Ryujin that I failed to notice my surroundings. I curse myself but I can't do anything about it now. If he plans on hurting Ryujin then I'm ready to fight.

Jaebeom stands there smiling at Ryujin, "You're finally out."

"It's you" I hear Ryujin say in a low voice.

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