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Yeji pov

We get to the coven and something doesn't feel right. It smells like a werewolf was here. We ring the doorbell and a woman opens the gate.

"May I help you?" The woman asks.

"Is Ryujin here? I'm Yeji, her mate" I say.

"Someone already came by to get her. I overheard that you sent them to pick her up" she says.

I look at Jisu and Yuna because all three of us are feeling worried now. "What did this person look like?" I ask trying to keep my cool because I don't want to accidentally fight with the witches.

"He's tall, good looking, has cute dimples" the woman giggles.

I roll my eyes, "Nevermind. Since you overheard their conversation, did he say his name by any chance?"

"No. I went back in when I heard he's from your pack" the woman answers.

I ruffle my hair and place one hand on my hips. I turn around to face Jisu and Yuna. "What do we do now?" I ask feeling completely helpless.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry to interrupt but are you really Yeji? Ryujin's mate?" A woman that resembles Ryujin asks me.

"P–park Chaeyoung?" Yuna stutters.

"You know me?" The woman Yuna called Chaeyoung asks.

"I've seen your pictures in my dad's office" Yuna stares at her confuse.

"Aren't you supposed to be dead?" Jisu asks.

"Jisu, it's rude to ask people that" I scold her.

I turn back to Chaeyoung, "But she doesn't have a point, aren't you supposed to be dead?"

"I don't have time to explain. I've been waiting for you to arrive. The wizards took Ryujin and I'm sure Wonho is behind it" she says.

"Wonho? As in my dad?" Yuna asks.

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way" Chaeyoung looks down.

"Find out what?" Jisu asks looking at all of us.

"Yea what does he have to do with this? Why would he take Ryujin?" I ask.

"Wonho is the one who wanted Ryujin killed. I don't have time to explain right now. We have to go to Ryujin before they kill her!" She says getting irritated now.

"We don't even know where they are" I say.

"I do. I followed them so come one" she says running into the wooded area then she shifted.

We follow her right away and I'm so confused. Ryujin's mom is alive? Ryujin's dad wants her dead?

'I want to be mad at you right now by the way for not at least marking Ryujin' Lucy tells me.

'I know. I screwed up. I didn't think I would lose her. It's her fault for running off' I defend myself.

'I'm pretty sure you would run off too if you hear someone saying they want to kill you' she shuts me down.

'I get it. I made a mistake. I'll mark her when we find her' I say.

'If she still wants us as her mate' she scoffs.

Lucy has a point. Ryujin can technically still reject us and I haven't been the greatest to her. But how is Ryujin's mom alive?

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