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Ryujin pov

After missing my next dose of the medicine, my head start to hurt again. My body burning up and bones are aching. Everything around me is starting to get dark. I try to think about my parents to make sure I can control myself.

I feel like passing out from the pain when I hear the voice in my head.

'Don't pass out. It's almost done' the voice says.

I scream until I slowly feel the burning in my body disappear. I lay on the floor trying to catch my breath. I try to cover my ears right away and my nose. Everything is so loud and everything scent I'm smelling is strong.

'Hello Ryujin. You'll adjust to the sound and smell soon enough' The voice says.

"Hello. What's your name my wolfie?" I say out loud.

'One, don't call me wolfie. Two, you don't have to speak out loud. If we're in public, people would think that you're crazy but my name is Joanne but call me Jo' she says.

'Why not Anne?' I ask.

'Because I prefer Jo, is that a problem?'

'I didn't know my wolf is so sassy' I speak to her in my mind.

'You've kept me hidden for years. You know how miserable that was?' She huffs.

'It wasn't my intention. I didn't know what I was. I thought when I would hear you in my head that I was just going crazy' I explain.

'I know. I'm just messing you. The whole being hidden thing was miserable but I know it wasn't your fault. It's nice to finally be out though' Jo says sounding more cheery.

'What did you mean earlier when you said it's almost done?' I curiously ask.

'Your body was gonna try to shift. Usually when pups reach the age where their wolf comes out is the day they are able to shift. I tried to stop ourselves from shifting because your body can't handle it yet. You've been a human for too long' she explains.

'Huh? How can a so called pup shift but I can't?'

'When pups are growing up, their body is preparing for their wolf to come. Your body never went through the process. It's going through it now. If you shifted earlier, some possible outcomes could have happened and it won't be good.'

'Does it hurt to shift?' I ask scared of the answer.

'Your first time will hurt but if you do it often enough, it won't' she says.

'So you know we're rare and dangerous?' I ask.

'Yes. I was hidden but I'm aware of everything that's happening to you. I just couldn't communicate with you or come out to help you. Right now, other werewolves won't be able to distinguish were one of them. Our powers are always activated unless we choose to deactivate it but we don't know how to do that yet. But it's good that it's activated right now because there's a wolf nearby' she says.

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