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Ryujin pov

"Where are we?" I ask them.

"We're at our house" they say surprising me. I didn't know they live together.

"When did you start living together?"

"Since the beginning?" Chaeyoung looks at Mina for reassurance.

"Beginning of what?" I ask.

"Since we started looking for you" Mina asks.

"What?" I furrow my brows. Am I really in trouble again but they're not hurting me or trying me up.

"Relax. We're not gonna hurt you. We're more like guardians sent by the moon goddess?" Chaeyoung tries to explain.

"Say that again?" I couldn't believe what I heard.

"The moon goddess sent us to make sure you're not dead? Like we can't interfere with other lives but we can protect you so say Yeji is being attacked by someone, we can't help her but if you're being attack, we can but we can't kill them" Mina explains.

"Why me?" I ask.

"Because of your powers. I can't tell you the reason why but you need to be alive. We know some of your kind is after you so when we lost you, we thought we will cease to exist" Chayoung laughs.

"What are you then? If you're not human" I ask.

"We're nothing. We just exist. Our sole purpose is to protect you" Mine explains.

"Wow, I can't believe this. My friends have been keeping secrets from me. To think I trusted you two and this is what you do to me? How dare you!" I raise my voice but I'm not really mad. Sometimes it's good to just have random acting moments.

"Ryujin, we've watched you and known you long enough that we know you're just being dramatic" Mina rolls her eyes.

"Why does no one just joins my random improv moments?" I question no one.

"Because you have them at the most inappropriate times" Chaeyoung chuckles.

"So are we like superheroes or something?" I ask.

"Are you high? Where in anything we talked about did we mention you're like a superhero?" Chaeyoung sarcastically ask.

"That's why I'm asking because you never mentioned it. How can I have all these powers and have no purpose. What? Am I just some sort of advanced model of werewolves? You know my mate haven't mated with me because of all this. I just really want to be officially part of a pack" I stomp my feet like a little kid.

"But at least she marked you" Mina tries to help.

"Because I was marked by someone else first! I don't think she would do it if I'm still a clean girl" I sigh.

"Why do say things so weird? Who the hell says clean girl" Chaeyoung couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't change the topic! Am I supposed to kill the ones that are after me? Because I dont think I can. Killing is not really my thing" I say.

"We can't tell you anything. We're not even technically supposed to tell you our purpose but we need to know where you're at so if you're staying with Yeji. You need to convince her to let us stay there too" Mina informs me.

"Can we eat? I'm hungry. I just left the hospital then got lost so haven't eaten much" I say.

"You know I was saying something serious right?" Mina glares at me.

"Yes but it's too serious to talk about on an empty stomach so please" I act cutely.

"Fine. Let's go to the kitchen and see what we can feed you" She sighs.

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