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Ryujin pov

I wake up when I hear my alarm go off. I groan thinking I have to get ready for hell. Working at a Cafe can sometimes be difficult, mainly because there's so much entitled people going in and out.

I grab my phone to text my girlfriend a good morning message. She's not technically my girlfriend yet, I'm trying to get her to say yes. She keeps saying she's too busy for a girlfriend and that its better if we just stay friends.

I finally get up from my bed and take a quick shower. After I was done, I wore just jeans and shirt. I grab my hat and key then walk out the door.

The Cafe is near my place, the Fury cafe. Odd name for a café but I don't question it as long as they keep paying me.

I unlock the door since I'm the first one here, I usually do opening shifts so I can have the rest of the afternoon to do absolutely nothing.

I walk in then check my phone to see if my future girlfriend texted me back but she didn't. I sigh while putting it back in my pocket.

I turn on the lights and walk in the back right away. I put on my apron and got shop ready. Wiping counters, checking machines, making sure everything is stocked and etc.

Once everything is done, I have some time before I have to open the store. My colleagues usually don't arrive until 5 minutes before the store actually opens.

I look around feeling exhausted already. I've been working for as long as I could remember. I have to provide for my parents, they adopted me and took care of me well so I want to return my gratitude to them.

I hear the door open and I see two smiling faces walking in.

"What's up lovebirds?" I ask.

Mina rolls her eyes, "Stop calling us that."

"Yes because she hasn't said yes to me yet" Chaeyoung adds.

"I'm not gonna say yes if you keep annoying me though" Mina grabs her apron and puts it on.

"We will see" Chaeyoung smiles, "How about you? How is it going with that girl that you like?" She asks me.

"Same as you. Won't say yes" I chuckle lightly.

"Did you two hear we have a new boss? Our old one stepped down so his daughter took over" Mina announces.

"What?! I hope this boss is as nice as the old one. He really made sure we were taken care of" I say.

"She has to be. He did raise her" Chaeyoung say.

"That doesn't mean anything. Sometimes people still end up rude even though their parents are nice."

"She has a point, Chae. Do you know what she looks like" Mina asks us.

"We literally found out from you that we have a new boss and you're asking us what she looks like? That's like me saying I had breakfast today then ask you what exactly did I have for breakfast" I laugh.

Chaeyoung laughs with me but stops right away when Mina glares at her. I laugh even more because Mina has Chaeyeoung wrapped around her fingers.

"What are you laughing at?" Mina glares at me too so I stop laughing.

It's finally time to open the store and customers started coming in. Chaeyoung and Mina works the fron while I'm at the back baking or just doing dishes.

I just keep doing my job until it was time to go clock out. I was about to leave then I saw our old boss get out of his car. I don't think he saw me so I walk away, afraid he might stop me and chat. I like him since he's nice but he can be a chatter box and I don't him to ruin my plans of not doing anything.

I decide to visit my parents before going back to my apartment though. I move out because I didn't want to be a burden to them. Sometimes I feel bad when they take care of me since I'm not their biological child. They've never made me feel that way but it's hard not to think like that.

I walk in their house without knocking.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know you had a visitor" I say while looking at my parents. They look worried for some reason.

"It's okay. These people are just leaving" my dad say while staring at the visitors.

The man looks at me, "Are you their daughter?"

I was about to say yes but my dad had other plans.

"No, she's not. She's our neighbor. She just likes to barge in here because she's close to us and she helps us around here" my dad answers for me.

Not gonna lie, it hurt when he said. That's the first time they've ever made me feel like I'm not their kid.

The man continues to look at me so I just nod my head in agreement. He didn't seem to believe them at first but he accepted defeat anyways.

He turns back to my parents, "Don't forget what we talked about" he said before walking past me and leave.

"Who was that?" I ask when the man was gone.

"I'm so sorry for saying you're not our daughter. I hope you know we don't feel that way. We just didn't trust that man" my dad explains.

"It's fine. I understand" I say but still hurting.

"But who was that?" I ask again.

"You don't have to worry about him" my mom says.

I look at them, hoping they would answer but they didn't so I just drop the topic.

"What a surprise visit though" my dad says smiling.

"Sorry. I just wanted to check in on you two to make sure you're doing well" I say sitting down on the couch.

"Our lovely daughter is so sweet. If you didn't move out then you wouldn't have to wonder. Are you eating well? You look so skinny" my mom sounding worried.

"I eat a lot mom. Look at these cheeks" I pinch my cheeks to show her.

They both laugh, "Our daughter is always so silly but since you're here, stay for dinner" my mom invites me.

I agree because I didn't want to hurt them by saying no.

Welp, there goes my plan of doing absolutely nothing tonight.

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