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Yeji pov

Jisu and I are back in the car. I wonder if Ryujin knows that Jisu is a werewolf so she's purposely trying to make my bestfriend fall for her.

"Did you know that Ryujin is a witch?" I ask Jisu.

"What? What are you talking about? No she's not" Jisu tells me.

"Did you not sense her mom is a witch?" I look at her crazily.

"I sense that the woman she called mom is a witch but if Ryujin is a witch then I would have sensed it a long time ago" Jisu explains.

"Ryujin is adopted. She isn't her biological mother. Better question is, why would a witch adopt a human?" Jisu says.

"You don't feel weird around her?" I ask.

"No. I don't. She feels like a normal human to me" Jisu says.

"So she doesn't know that you're a werewolf?" I ask making sure.

"No. She doesn't. Why? Do you think she's planning to hurt me? I'm a mere beta. If she plans on hurting werewolves, she would go after someone like you" She explains.

"I still don't trust her. Something about her irks me and knowing she grew up with witches makes me even more suspicious of her" I say.

"It's my job to care of this pack and since you're a part of this pack. You're not allowed to see her anymore" I order her.

"Yes, Alpha" she says but I know she doesn't like it.

I go to my room feeling upset. Thinking about Ryujin makes me feel upset. I don't understand why she's making me feel this way. Even Lucy doesn't know why. This is the first time I've really felt like towards a human. Our wolves come from a long line of protectors. We protect our kind and humans.

'Minju, come to my room' I call for Minju.

'Yes alpha' she answers.

Within a few minutes, she's already here.

"I need you to do a background check on someone. Park Ryujin. I want it as soon as possible" I say.

"Yes Alpha" she says.

"Is she your mate?" She asks.

I choke on air because of the insane thing she just said. "What? No. She's courting Jisu and I want to make sure she's not a bad person."

"You never did that with anyone before" she says suspiciously.

"Because in the past, our own kind would court her. Not a human" I say.

"Since when do you feel threaten by a human?" Minju asks me.

"Just do as I say!" I growl at her.

"I'm sorry Alpha. I'll get on it right away" she says before leaving.

Ugh! This girl is making me crazy!


Ryujin pov

I'm on my way to see my therapist. I feel like I'm being watched but I don't pay attention to it. I'm bothered with our new boss. She doesn't seem very friendly. And it was weird that she asked me to call her Alpha.

Also, why did my mom suddenly came to visit? She never did before. It was weird. She literally bought coffee then left as soon as my new boss and Lia left. Why are things extra weird lately?

I'm now sitting in front of my therapist.

"How's the voice in your head?" He asks me.

"It's here and there. When I forget to take my meds, it becomes louder. It keeps saying it wants to get out. If I don't take my meds for more than a day then my body starts to feel some aching and I feel like I'm running a fever but as soon as I take it, I feel better" I say.

"How about your nightmares?"

"It's the same. The big dog hurting children. It's weird because I feel like I've lived through it. Like I feel it happening in front of me" I say.

"Is there a reason why you forget to take your meds?"

"Sometimes I feel fine so I don't see why I need to keep taking it. My parents just insist that I do it. It's best for me and keep me alive. Which I don't understand what my illness is" I sigh.

"Then there was a man that was in my parents house then my dad lied about me being their daughter and I'm not gonna lie, it hurt" I accidentally growl.

I feel myself getting angry so I take my meds from my pocket and took one. I start to feel better as soon as I took it.

"How often have you been taking your meds?" He asks.

"It used to be once a day but lately the voice is getting louder then I start to feel aggressive so I take it whenever I feel like I'm about to lose control."

"Have you told your parents?" He asks me. Sometimes I feel like he takes my parent's side a lot. He always tells me to listen to my parents. Do what my parents tell me. Take my medicine because my parents tell me to.

"No because I know they're gonna change my meds and I'm gonna feel like crap again. It happens every time they change my medication" I say.

He leans forward a little making eye contact with me. "Are you wearing contacts?" He asks.

"No. Why would I?" I ask confused.

"Nothing. It must be the way the sunlight hit your eyes just now" he quickly says.

"I think you should tell your father about the changes you're feeling. Your medication must not be strong enough to calm you down" he says.

I take a deep breath, "Fine. I'll tell them."

Our session finishes and I go straight to my parents house. It's best to listen to my therapist because I don't want to hurt another person like drowning them.

I knock this time just incase they have another visitor. My dad opens the door, "Oh honey, the neighbor kid is here again."

I look at him feeling confused, "I just got back from my therapist. They said I need to change my medications and to tell you."

"That's nice Chaeyoung but I don't see why your therapist would want you to tell us about that and not your parents" my dad says.

"Why did—" he cuts me off.

"Honey, you should take our neighbor upstairs and show her what we need help with" my dad say to my mom.

They finally let me enter the house and I see the same man as before. He's here again? Why can't my parents tell him I'm their daughter? Him and I make eye contact which makes me feel weird. His eyes looks sad filled with pain while looking at me.

My mom drags me upstairs and locks the door of their room right away. "What's happening?" I ask.

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