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Ryujin pov

I'm on the ground choking, my neck hurts and so does my arm. It hurts to move it. Damn werewolves are strong.

"Are you okay?" Mina asks.

I try to say something but I just croak.

"We're going to the hospital!" Mina panics.

She drags me out the door in seconds, well at least it feels like that. She tells Chaeyoung that she's in charge while we're gone.

My arm really hurts and so does my neck. My eyes hurt too, for a moment I thought they were going to pop out of their sockets.

We get to the hospital, they check my throat and do an x-ray on my arm.

We're alone in the room right now and my parents comes in full of worry.

"Ryujin? Are you okay? What happened?" My mom asks.

"I'm fine" I manage to say but not too loud since it does hurt when I speak.

"Our boss was choking her when we saw her" Mina tells my parents.

"What!? Thats it, you're quitting that job. You can get another job somewhere else!" He yells.

"Jinyoung, don't yell" my mom says to my dad.

"But Ryujin, I agree with your dad. With everything we talked about, I think it's best if you leave. Especially now that your boss put her hands on you" my mom calmly says to me.

"As much as I don't want you to leave us, I agree with your parents Ryujin" Mina joins in.

I look at the three of their faces and I can see fear and worry in all of them. I nod accepting defeat. I know they just want whats best for me. I realize I was disrespectful to my boss earlier but I didn't expect her to almost kill me just because of that.

The doctor comes in and sees my parents. "You must be Ms. Park's parents, I'm Dr. Im."

"What's the verdict doc" I say still with my hoarse voice.

The doctor laughs, "Well Ms. Park, you have some swelling around your neck. Luckily, there doesn't seem go be any internal damage. As for your arm, your radius and ulna both has a small line fracture. You don't need a cast but you do need to wear a sling for some time."

"Oh bummer, maybe I should hire a full time doctor to care for me" I wink at the young doctor. She's really cute.

I see her blush and puts a strand of her hair behind her ear. I smile looking at how adorable she is.

"I'm sorry for that Dr. Im, my friend must have gotten too much pain medication so she's being inappropriate" Mina says to her.

"Nope. I'm perfectly fine" I say still smiling at the doctor.

"Dr. Im, if you could please excuse us, we would like to talk to our daughter in private" my mom says.

The doctor leaves and Mina stares at me with amusement, "Where the hell did all that confidence come from?"

"Is it bad to be confident?" I ask.

"No. But I've never seen you that confident" she says emphasizing that and confident.

"I don't know. I just felt it?" I say unsure.

"Mina, Ryujin is not going to work from now on. Could you tell her boss for her?" My dad suddenly say to my friend.

"Dad, that's so unprofessional. I have to turn in my notice and do it myself" I say.

"Do you really think we would allow you to go back to that place after what happened?" My dad asks in disbelief.

"They're right, Ryu. I'll do it. You shouldn't go back there" Mina says.

Again, I nod accepting defeat. "Can I go now?" I ask.

"I'll go check with the doctor and take care of everything" my dad says before leaving.

"Mom, stop looking worried. I'm fine" I say to my mom when I see her face hasn't changed.

"How can I not worry? Your boss did this to you" She sighs.

"I'm okay though. I have amazing friends like Mina and Chaeyoung who's there to save me from things like that" I smile.

"What if they weren't Ryujin?" My mom seriously asks.

I look down, "I'm sorry mom."

Our moment is ruin when Mina mentions that my voice sounds better already.

"How the hell did that happen? Did the swelling suddenly go down that fast?" She asks.

"Must be the medication" my mom interject.

"Mina, thank you for your helping with Ryujin but we have some family affairs to discuss" my mom says to Mina.

"I completely understand. Text me when you get home okay, Ryu?" Mina says then leaves right away.

"Why is my voice better?" I ask my mom.

"It's one of your abilities, quick healing" my mom answers like it's not big deal.

"Am I vampire? Do vampires have quick healing? I don't even know so I don't know why I said vampires" I ramble on.

"Stay away from Yeji and her dad okay?" My mom orders.

"You really think I'd go near her after what she did? I didn't know big dogs are that strong. I thought dogs are cute and loyal" I sigh.

My dad comes in and informs us that I can go home. I try to get the pretty doctor's number before I leave but my parents says it's a big no no.

While in the car, I notice that we aren't going to my parent's house. The neighborhood is not familiar to me.

"I thought we were going home?" I ask still looking around.

"It's not safe for us to go home to our old house so we're staying here for a while until we can get a new house" my mom says.

"Where is here?" I ask.

"The coven" my mom answers.

"Please Ryujin, do not flirt with the witches" my dad seriously say to me.

"I should be offended by that assumption" I try to joke.

"I'm serious, Ryujin. These people can put a curse on you if you hurt them" he says.

I gulp, "noted."

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