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Yeji pov

My dad and I are waiting for his brother to arrive in my office. All guards are in place in case of an attack. We're discussing about Ryujin when the door opens and enters a man whom I'm not familiar with followed by my guards.

"We're sorry Alpha, he just came running it and we couldn't stop him" they say.

I stand up and so did my dad. "Jaebeom" my dad says.

"Jackson, is it true? Park Chaeyoung's pup is here?" He says.

"What are you talking about?" My dad pretends to not know.

"Now is not the time to pretend!" He yells.

"Calm yourself! You're in my territory!" I yell at him.

"I'm sorry Alpha" he apologizes right away surprising me that he already knows I'm Alpha.

"But if she is here, you need to get her out. The protectors are coming soon to look for her" he says.

"How did the protectors know she's here?" I ask.

"What did you do?" My dad asks his brother.

"It's not me! I haven't been the leader of the protectors for a long time. Someone else took over because they thought I've become weak" he explains.

I finally take a good look at him and he doesn't really look well. He has bruises everywhere and his clothes are unkempt. My dad notices it as well.

"What happened, Jaebeom?" He walks approaches his brother.

Jaebeom didn't get to answer when the guards inform me that the protectors have arrived.

"Don't start a fight" Jaebeom tells me, "They won't attack you. Your pack are too well known and respected. If they attack you because of just an assumption, they know they'll lose a lot of the other packs' respect but if that pup really is here, hide her well. They will ask to search your place and if you deny then the suspicion is enough for them to doubt you" he explains.

All this time I can't stop worrying about Ryujin. I should be with her to help protect her but it would be suspicious if I'm not here when the protectors arrive.

'Jisu, take Ryujin with you and go to the safe house now!' I order her.

'Yes Alpha' she replies.

I have no choice but to trust Jisu can she get her out of here.

'Alpha, the protectors are here' I hear through the mindlink.

'Take them to my office.'

After a few minutes, more unfamiliar men arrive. A man stands up front glaring at Jaebeom. "How did you escape? And why come here? Are you trying to protect that pup?" The strange man say to him.

"I had to come here to make sure you don't hurt my family. Jackson is still my brother" Jaebeom says with his voice filled with hatred.

The man scoffs then looks at me. "I'm Kai, the leader of the protectors. We heard through the grapevine that the missing pup of Chaeyoung is here" he says to me.

"I think you need to find a different grapevine because that's some false information" I say.

"You don't mind if we take a look around your territory then" he looks at his men, "Search everywhere. Find anything unusual. Look and smell everything" he orders his men.

"Don't you feel a bit pathetic bringing so many guards with you when you're only searching for one werewolf?" I smirk at him.

"You clearly don't know what that one werewolf is capable of" he says trying to intimidate me.

"Why did you even think she would be here?" My dad ask Kai.

"We've been following Shin Wonho because I know he will lead us to her someday. I thought it was odd the first time you two got together but then we saw him come here again for no reason. That's when it clicked, maybe you're hiding someone here" says while walking around in my office.

He picks up a family of picture that's on my desk and looks at, "Is it the same girl that lives with the witch and warlock? The one you saw us check? I know you and Wonho saw us."

"We're not hiding anyone. Clearly your big brain moment of thinking she's here just because Mr. Shin was here is wrong. You must feel very stupid right now" I calmly say.

He puts down the picture and looks at me like he wants to hurt me, "You may be Alpha but you're still a child in my eyes. Don't test me."

My dad is about to defend me but I speak first, "No, you don't test me. You come into my territory assuming I'm hiding some girl you've been looking for and disturbing my pack members while your guys search my place. You also have the audacity to act like top dog in my office. Outside of this place, our kind might respect you or more fear you but in here, I'm top dog. You don't scare me one bit. You're nothing but a coward who's after someone that hasn't caused any problems."

I walk to my desk and put my family picture back in its original place, "You act like this werewolf is capable of doing heinous acts but how long has it been since you started looking for her? And no one has heard anything bad has happened caused by her. I was informed that the child her mother drowned wasn't even human. It was a wizard posing as one. She killed that wizard to protect her child."

I approach him until I'm standing right in front of him. He's taller than me but it doesn't intimidate me. I look up to look into his eyes, "You killed so many werewolves for no reason. Yet you come in here, acting high and mighty when in reality, your group are the monsters and who makes the werewolves reputation look bad."

"What are you gonna do when you find this girl? Kill her? For what? For being the offspring of an innocent wolf that was wrongfully murdered?" I back away and turn around to walk away.

He grabs my arm, "You think you know everything?" He spins me so I face him again, "There's clearly a reason why the wizards were after that pup. She's not like the rest of us."

I pull my arm from his grip, "Again, do you have proof that she has hurt anyone? You're making assumptions because of the wizards? Since when did our kind get along with them? For all we know they could have acted that so we would stop trusting our each other. Even if she isn't like the rest of us, who gives you the right to harm her when she's done nothing wrong."

"The way your acting leads me to believe that you know this girl" he smiles.

"Believe what you want because clearly nothing anyone says will change how you are. I think the real reason you're after her because you're afraid. I'm not sure why but it may be because you're afraid she will be more powerful than you, you're afraid that you'll lose control over the werewolves once they see how evil you really are because the girl you claimed to be so evil is not really a big bad wolf" I walk to my desk and sit on my chair, "or maybe this girl knows something about you and you want her to be quiet. So many possibilities but all of them is gonna make you look bad in the end."

I see him form a fist but his men arrives before he could do anything.

"Alpha, we couldn't find or sense anything showing that she's been here" one of them say to him.

He releases a scream of frustration, "Take Jaebeom and let's leave."

I snap to one of my guards to block the door.  Kai looks back to me clearly angry. "Leave my dad's brother. Whatever relationship he had with you is clearly over so he stays here" I say.

They let go of Jaebeom and push him to the floor. My guard steps aside to let them pass. Once they were out of sight, I take a deep breath. I can finally breathe.

'Jisu, is Ryujin okay? Did you make it to the safe house?' I mindlink my bestfriend.

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