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Yeji pov

'Alpha, we detect a rogue enter our territory. What would you like us to do?'

'Kill them' I order.

Normally I'll just have them locked up but I'm too angry right now.

'Alpha, Ryujin is with rogue'

'Where are you?!' I ask.

'East side'

I run out of my room to look for Ryujin. What the hell is Ryujin doing with a rogue? Does she not know how dangerous rogues are?

'She probably doesn't' Lucy says.

'Right, she's new to being a werewolf but I'm sure she knows about rogues' I say.

I get to the them and I see Ryujin looking like she got beat up. I assume that rogue did it.

"What happened to my mate!?" I growl.

I point at the rogue, "Did you do this!?"

She shakes her head, looking scared. I walk one step towards her and she hides behind Ryujin. What the hell is going on?

"We need to work on how you welcome your guests" Ryujin says while spitting out blood.

"What?" I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Winter didn't do this to me. She helped me. Its your pack that hurt me. Why am I always getting hurt because of you, Yeji?" She asks and I somehow feel guilty but that guilt was short lived because who the fuck is Winter?

"Your friends with that rogue?" I clench my jaw.

"She saved me. While you and everyone else left me, she saved me!" Ryujin yells.

I didn't say anything but focus on the guards that hurt her instead.

"Why did you hurt her?" I ask them.

"We didn't know it was her until it was too late. We're sorry Alpha" They kneel down while looking at the ground.

"I'll deal with all of you later. Now leave!" I angrily say.

"Ryujin, we looked for you but we couldn't find you" I say.

"If you wanna make it up to me then let Winter join your pack so she's not all alone out there" she says.

I frown at what she said. Why does she care so much about this rogue wolf?

"Is something going between you two?" I ask.

"No. She did help me. She ran away from her pack and she's all alone so I told her I'll convince you to let her join your pack because we're mates and I'm future Luna since it doesn't seem like you rejected me when you found out I'm your mate" Ryujin rambles again.

"Please, Yeji. She's my friend now too" Ryujin cutely pouts.

"She has to prove her loyalty first. We just can't take her in. For all we know, she's sent by someone to hurt you" I say.

"What can I do to prove my loyalty?" The rogue named Winter kneels before me.

"I'm not sure so until I figure it out, we will have to lock you up" I say.

"No way" Ryujin interjects.

"It's okay, Ryujin. It won't be that bad" Winter assures her.

"Okay fine but since we're mates I should be honest. Winter already saw me naked—" I cut Ryujin off.

"She what!?" My eyes widen.

Winter is getting ready to run when Ryujin stops her.

"Let me finish. I shift back to my human form while I was out so I was naked. Theres no way I can magically put on clothes while I'm unconscious. If it really bothers you then I can show you my naked body. We're mates anyways, we're bound to get naked together, right?" She says to me

I'm so speechless right now. How is she so open about this? Does she not have a filter?

"What are you talking about?" I ask her.

"You know? To do the bow chicka wow wow. You have to be naked" she looks at me innocently making me so confuse. How can she look innocent while asking that?

I look at Winter and I can tell she's feeling awkward hearing this conversation.

"It's called mating, Ryujin" I say.

"Why do you look so uncomfortable?" Ryujin asks me.

"Because you're openly talking about being naked and mating in front of a rogue" I tell her.

"You've been shifting longer than I have. Both of you. You know nakedness is involve so why is it a big deal? I thought it would be normal for werewolves just flaunting their naked body" she keeps talking.

"Please Alpha, have me lock up already" Winter suddenly begs.

I call some guards through mindlink and they take her to the cells. She won't be treated like a regular rogue that we find since apparently she's friends with Ryujin.

I help Ryujin walk back to the house since she is hurt. "Guess what I learned?" She says excitedly.

"Please don't be about nakedness again or I will kill Winter for seeing you naked" I say.

"It's not. I learned that I'm technically a rogue because I don't belong to a pack" she says smiling.

"Why are you smiling? That's not good" I squint my eyes at her.

"I think rogue sounds cooler than Luna. Luna sounds like I should be elegant but rogue sounds like it's rough around the edges" she explains.

We make it to the house and I lay her down in her bed. "I'll call the doctor to come here and check you out" I inform her.

"Yeji?" She says.


"Can I get a kiss?" She shyly asks.

"What?" I say confuse.

"A kiss? You know like what you did before?"

I lean down to her face, pushing aside some strands of her hair away from her face and I give a sweet but passionate kiss.

I pull away and stand up straight while smiling at her. "Get some rest" I say.

"Will you lay next to me? I get nightmares" she says.

"You're something else" I chuckle, "Not that long ago you're talking about being naked and now you're being sweet."

I still lay down next to her because I'm not about to deny being close to my mate.

"My offer still stands if you wanna see me naked" she says, "but I prefer when my bruises are gone so you can really admire it."

"Ryujin, stop talking" I say shaking my head while hugging her.

"Yes Alpha" she says.

"Knowing you're my mate and gonna be Luna, being called Alpha doesn't sound right coming from you now" I say.

"By the way, your sister is coming to visit tomorrow. Are you up for it?" I asks.

She doesn't answer and I look down to see she's already asleep. I'm sure she'll be okay with it. We will be in my territory anyways so Yuna can't do anything even if she tries.

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