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Ryujin pov

I wake up the next day with Yeji still sleeping next to me. Yesterday felt amazing. I can't believe she made me wait to experience that.

I don't want to bother Yeji so I go to the kitchen because I'm hungry.

'I can feel you happy, Jo' I say.

'Umm we finally mated with our mate. Who wouldn't be happy?' She sarcastically say.

'Jeez, still have so much attitude. Acting like we didn't get laid' I joke.

'Eat your breakfast. I'm taking a break from you' Jo sighs.

I get to the kitchen to see Lia and Chaeryeong already there. "Wassup my dogs?" I say trying to be cool.

"This dog will chew your ass if you say that again" Chaeryeong says.

"Sorry, ass chewing is a mate's duty" I laugh.

"There's something wrong with you" Lia chuckles.

"And both of you should already know this?" I pretend to question them.

I sit down on the table with them. "What's for breakfast?" I ask.

"Do you not see the food in front of you? Why ask stupid questions so early in the morning?" Chaeryeong squints her eyes acting like I'm the stupidest being in the world.

"You seem to be in a chipper mood though?" Lia questions.

I stand back up and place my hands on my waist while looking up at an angle, "You are now looking at a mated woman" I announce.

"You and Yeji mated?" Lia asks to confirm.

"Yep. We did the deed. The dirty. The bow chicka wow wow. The love making, emphasis on love" I say the word love in a weird way.

"Oh God. Someone shut her up" Chaeryeong covers her ears.

"Sit down and eat" Lia orders. I sit down and I start preparing my plate. I also prepare another plate for when Yeji comes down.

"Try not to be so vocal about you and Yeji mating when she's around. She's more private than you are" Lia informs me.

"I'll try but I think she's adapting well with me being so extra" I say.

"Who's extra?" A familiar voice walks jnto the kitchen.

"My mate! Come hither and have some breakfast" I pull out the chair next to me.

"Thanks" she gives me a kiss on my lips. She's so sweet. Who would have thought her way of showing love would change from physical abuse to physical affection?

"So Alpha, what's the plan to save Yuna?" Chaeryeong asks right away.

"Well we need to figure out where she is. You say she's alive so you need to find away to break her block so you can communicate with her. I'll send my warriors there to save her" Yeji answers.

"I'll go too" I offer.

"No" Yeji sternly say.

"I am. I'm the strongest werewolf. I can help" I say.

"Ryujin, these are wizards were talking about. They have magical powers" she looks at me, kind of upset but I know she's just worried.

"I'm magical too. I just need a horn and I could be a freaking unicorn" I say to lighten up the mood but she glares at me so it must not be the right time.

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