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Yeji pov

I keep hearing Ryujin's thoughts. I'm trying to focus on my fight but I can't shut her out. I need to know what she's thinking.

I hear her thoughts saying that all these wizards here are not that strong and she's right. Do they think Chan's pack isn't that strong so they can easily take it over?

Ryujin suddenly gets a realization but I'm not sure what it is since she's not thinking of what exactly it is.

I continue killing wizards when I see Ryujin run out of the house and shift to her wolf. What is she doing?

I'm about to run after her but I feel someone knock me. I stand back up and immediately kill the wizard, shapeshifted as a wolf, I try to listen for Ryujin's thoughts so I know where she's going but I can't hear anything.

'Ryujin, where are you?' I mindlink her.

I wait for her response but there's none.

'Lucy, did Jo tell you where they're going?' I ask.

'Kinda busy fighting, you know?' She states.

'Jisu. We have to head back. Ryujin left and I think she went back to our territory. She noticed that these wizards are weak so she must think this is just a diversion' I mindlink to Jisu.

'What? Why would she leave? Why didn't she tell us? She should have told us instead of going by herself!' Jisu angrily say.

'Let's go' I say.

If it were someone else, I would think they had feelings for Ryujin by the way she reacted but I know they've been friends for a while. They were friends before I even knew Ryujin existed.

I take off and Jisu follows. I'm sure Chan and his pack can handle those wizards but what if it's what they want. Send their weak ones first then once we leave then they'll attack with their stronger ones.

I don't have any time to think what I need to do. If I stay and Ryujin is right then my mate might be in danger but if I leave and Ryujin is wrong then Chan's pack will be gone.

I make up my mind and leave. I need to make sure Ryujin is safe first. We're close to my territory but some wizards ambush us.

"Fuck" I mutter. My pack and Ryujin must be in danger if there's wizards around here. Jisu and I are getting ready to fight when we see someone walk up from behind the wizards.

He stops in front while smiling at us.

"It's nice to see you again, Yeji or should I say Lucy."

Mr. Shin is freaking alive. I thought the wizards killed him.

"You must be wondering why I'm here? Or how am I here?" He laughs.

I shift back to my human form, not caring that I'm naked.

"Did you take your own daughter and made her beliebe you were dead? You're doing all of this for one werewolf?" I growl.

He laughs even more, "Stupid girl. I didn't do anything of this. The wizards and I just happened to have the same goal which is to kill Ryujin."

"Do you really think they're gonna let you live once they've killed everyone? You're still a werewolf. You can mate with humans and create more werewolves. That will ruin their plan" I say.

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