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Ryujin pov

I'm in the pack hospital because someone, I shall not name the person, broke my hand. I don't understand why she was so mad just to see me and Lia in bed. If she knew I was her mate, I would understand but considering she attacked me, I'm guessing she was jealous of me and not because of me. Maybe something is going between them.

If my mate wants someone else, I won't do anything but I would definitely be sad. "Does she hate me? I don't understand why she's like that with me. One minute I feel like she doesn't mind then the next she's so angry with me. What did I do?" I ask her anyone in the room with me. There's Hyunjin, I learned is her brother then Minju, his mate.

"We think she likes you but she's too slow to understand and too stubborn to admit" Hyunjin chuckles.

"If she likes me then why is she so mean? What is she? In grade school?" I scoff causing the three to laugh.

"You'll get use to it" Lia continues to laugh.

The doctor comes in, "Your hand shows some small fractures but nothing serious and since werewolves heal fast. You'll be fine."

"Can I still get a cast?" I ask.

"Why?" He looks at me suspiciously.

"I just miss it for human purposes" I lie but really I just want to make Yeji feel bad. I honestly felt hurt and she was choking me. She was ready to kill me for Lia.

"Okay but when you're done here. Alpha and her dad is waiting for you in her office" he says while he puts on my cast.

I forgot that I'm supposed to be meeting my father today. Jo and I want to confirm if he's the voice that she heard while she was hidden. She feels like whoever that voice is will be on our side and will help me not die from the protectors.

The doctor finishes with my hand so Lia leads the way to my abusive mate. Lia announces that were here and I take a deep breath before walking in.

I notice the presence of the man in the room. Again, I feel uneasy like what I feel around Yeji. Maybe I'm just too paranoid.

I don't like how I'm feeling. It's new.  Jo is getting antsy and I don't know why. Am I emotional to finally meet at least one of my biological parents?

I ask if the man is my father and Mr. Hwang says he is. I smile at him and he says some stuff i didnt pay attention to. He tries to hug me but I dodge it right away because hello, we just met.

He suddenly offers that I should live with him and in my head I wanted to tell him to slow down. But Mr. Hwang took care of it for me. I don't think he likes the idea of me living with him. I wonder why.

"I don't think I caught your name so I'm not sure what to call you" I ask the man who help create me.

"You can call me dad" he gives me a warm smile.

"I'd rather not" I say feeling to stop myself.

He starts to fidget with his hands, "Oh then Mr. Shin is fine."

"I'm sorry. You can't expect someone who just met you to suddenly call you dad right away. I have a father I've known my whole who raised me" I say.

"A father that took you from me! I could have taken care of you if they didn't kidnap you!" He raises his voice.

"They didn't kidnap me! My mom asked them to take care of me! To protect me because my own kind wanted to kill me! Where were you when mom died? Why weren't you there to protect her!? If you were there, even if you couldn't save her then you could have saved me! Don't talk badly about the parents I've known my whole life!" I yell at him.

"You were young. You probably don't remember" he says.

"Their stories matches my nightmares. My nightmares that seems to be my past haunting me. I see them kill my mom in front of me and you were nowhere to be found!" I start crying now.

He suddenly freezes when I said that. I was right he wasn't there to even protect us and he dares talk badly about my parents who raised me.

"Ryujin, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you and your mom but I'll be here for you now. I won't let anyone hurt you. I will protect you until the end" he says.

"It's gonna take time for me to trust you. The only ones I trust are my parents" I tell him.

"I understand. I'll do whatever it takes to gain your trust. I'm here to help you" he smiles at me.

I didn't say anything. It still bothers that he wasn't there. "Do you know why the wizards were after me?" I ask him.

"They were?" He seems surprise by my question.

"How do you not know?" Mr. Hwang butts in.

"I figured you would have known since the child your mate killed was actually a wizard" Mr. Hwang slowly says.

"I knew that but I didn't know they were after Ryujin" he says.

"That's why your wife killed the so called child because they tried to kill Ryujin first" Mr. Hwang says.

"You knew that? But when you told me the story of what happened, you didn't mention it. I even mentioned that your mate drowned a child and all you said that she must have reason we didn't know" Yeji says to my dad.

"I didn't want to tell you at the time" Mr. Shin says.

"What do you know about me? As a werewolf?" I ask. I notice Yeji and Mr. Hwang is looking at weirdly probably wondering what I'm talking about.

"I'm gonna be honest. I wasn't involve a lot after you were born. Your mom didn't tell me much. She just kept saying it's not safe for you but I just thought she was crazy so I didn't listen" he sounds ashamed.

I walk to where he's sitting and grab his collar, "You could have help prevent her death if you listened to her!"

"R–ryujin, are your eyes always golden like color? And why is it glowing?" He says stammering.

'Calm down before he finds out there's more to us' Jo tells me.

I let go of him and walk away so he can't look into my eyes. I face the door, "I think we're done here." I leave the office without bothering to say a proper goodbye.

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