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Yeji pov

Training with Ryujin went well. I thought it was funny how she would get on their nerves. Maybe that is her way of tormenting her enemies. I think it works because they get so frustrated with her that they keep making mistakes during the fight.

We're back in the office now while Ryujin cleans up. "Did you see me out there? I felt so cool" she says while karate chopping the air. She's so carefree that it worries me a bit. I don't know if she's actually taking this whole thing seriously. We learned that the wizards are planning to start wars between different kinds but she doesn't seem bothered. Maybe she's not seeing the bigger picture, still thinking like a human.

"Ryujin, do you think you'll be able to fight?" I ask her.

She stops doing her movements to look at me, "Are you worried I'll hold everyone back?" She asks instead.

"No. I'm afraid if you'll be able to handle if you kill someone. You're still very human like with your emotions" I say.

"I have to help, Yeji. I don't know what's gonna happen or how I'm gonna react but I have to help. I'd be such a coward to not help fight when I have all these powers. I think the moon goddess gave me these powers for this purpose and made you my mate because you'd be the only one strong enough to protect me" she tells me.


'Alpha, Karina and Winter are here with a bunch of vampires and other werewolves' Jisu tells me.

I look at Ryujin and she got the same message. We both run to the door and Karina looks hurt, same with Winter.

"What happened?" I ask.

"We were attacked. None of us were prepared. So many lives lost. These are the only ones we can protect. My parents are dead, they died so we could save as many as possible" Karina cries out.

Winter hugs her mate, trying her best to comfort her. "The wizards came and started killing everyone" Winter says.

"How are they so powerful? I know they have magic but vampires and werewolves should have been able to hold them off at least" I say, not understanding.

"We didn't do anything. Why would they attack us?" Karina cries some more.

"Because your group is the strongest. You have a lot of hybrids" Mina suddenly walks out from the inside the house.

Karina stares at Mina, probably wondering who she is.

"I'm the one they want. Why would they attack others? I don't get it" Ryujin whispers to Mina so the other two can't hear but Karina and Winter are too distracted to listen anyways.

"They're probably cutting off anyone who might help you" Mina whisper back.

"Get everyone to the pack hospital first. We will talk when all your wounds have been taken care of" I tell everyone.

"We need a place to stay. Our territory has been destroyed" Karina says barely audible.

"You and your members are more than welcome to stay here" I say before taking Ryujin's hand and walk back to the office.

Mina follows us along with little Chaeyoung. The wizards are in action now. We get to my office and I look at the two that's supposed to guard my mate.

"How are the wizards this powerful? They must have encountered with some new power to be confident enough to attack. They clearly cut ties with the protectors so who's helping them now? I don't think the witches would considering they know Ryujin" I cross my arms, waiting for them to answer.

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