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Yeji pov

I'm in my office waiting for Hyunjin. He has the witches that took care of Ryujin. Speaking of my mate, she's supposed to be out of the hospital today but I already scheduled this meeting with her parents so I can't go see her right now.

Someone knocks on my door and I'm assuming its my brother. The door opens and i was right. Not far behind him follows a man and a woman who I remember being Ryujin's parents.

Chaeyoung is going to join us later so they can have their little reunion then I'll ask Jisu or Hyunjin to bring Ryujin here as well.

The warlock and witch hesitantly sits down in front of me. They didn't even greet me or anything. They probably don't trust me but trust me enough to let Ryujin come to me.

"You wanted to see us?" The man says.

"Let's do introduction first. I'm Yeji" I say.

"I'm Jinyoung and my wife Sana" he points at the witch next to her.

"Now why are we here?" Jinyoung asks clearly unhappy.

"I would like to know more about Ryujin's powers. She grew up with you so you probably know more than any of us" I say.

"I'm sure you've witnessed it too. Her ability to phase through things. Her stealthiness. She's able to hide her presence because she can manipulate her whole being such as her odor, temperature and weight. She can literally alter people's reality where she doesn't exist but there's a catch. If she does that and she's not careful then everyone will forget about her and she will literally disappear" Jinyoung explains.

"How can we prevent her from disappearing?" I ask. I mainly focus on that because I don't want to forget about her.

"She has to have an anchor. Something that attaches her to this reality but if she does that then she becomes vulnerable, meaning things that didn't affect her before will be able to hurt her from that point on" Sana answers this time.

"She's only used us in the past but we tell her to let us go when she's doing better. Back then when her powers were trying to come in all at once, her body couldn't handle it well and she started disappearing so we had to beg her to think about us. It was awful. I thought I was going to lose her" Sana chokes up.

I mean I understand why they hid her but I feel like instead of being able to defend herself now, she's like a pup still that needs constant care.

"So she really is that powerful" I say.

"Yes. Translupines are known as invisible wolves because of the fact that they can make you believe that they're not there. Silver or wolfsbane won't kill her. She can still get hurt but things that can normally kill a werewolf easily won't affect her unless she's vulnerable" Jinyoung says.

"Then how can the protectors kill her?" I ask.

"She's still a werewolf so if they cut her head off and burn her then she still dies. Also, Elders, High Priestess, angels, demons can also kill her easily. Anything that's a high status can still hurt her easily" Sana answers.

"How do you know all of this?" I raise my brow.

"We've raised her since she was a pup. We spent all those years protecting her. To protect her, we had to learn what she is" Jinyoung stares at me.

"I want to know what else she's capable of. She might have other powers we don't know about that. We set up a little staged attack mission for her to see how she's going to defend herself. She was recently abducted by the protectors and she was able to get away but she's mentioned some things that are not necessarily translupine powers. We also now know that Mr. Shin is the real leader of the protectors now" I inform.

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