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Ryujin pov

I see Yeji leaving the pack house so I decide to follow her because now that we're mates, we shouldn't keep secrets from each other. Im trying my best to trust her but sometimes I have second thoughts if she wants me as her mate because she hasn't made an attempt to further our relationship like this mating thing I've heard about.

She didn't shift so she must not be going far. I'm glad I'm like part ghost so I'm so stealthy like a ninja.

'You're not part ghost. Why do you say weird shit like that?' Jo interrupts my thoughts.

'Why do you not accept me for who I am?' I ask.

'I do but you're making yourself something you're not. A ghost? You're not dead. I'd kill you if I could so you can be a ghost' she scoffs at me.

'Are we hungry? Because the attitude is through the roof' I say.

'Are you lost because I'm sure we lost Yeji' she says.

"Shit" I whisper.

I sniff around maybe I'll catch her scent. Sometimes being a big dog is useful. I haven't tried peeing or pooping as a dog though. Would it be gross?

'Ryujin! Focus!'  Jo tells me.

I finally find her scent but I also smell other things. The two are similar to werewolves but one is off a bit. I follow my dog instinct and I find Yeji with my dad and some other guy? Because of my ninja kills, I don't think they know I'm there. I smell another thing but I don't know where it's coming from.

I get closer so I can hear what they're talking about.

"Like I would trust you to kill your own mate" the odd dude say to Yeji while she's holding him.

"You don't know what I'm capable of. I would protect our kind and humans. That's the oath I took. If my mate is the one who will harm those I swore to protect then I'm willing to kill her" Yeji lets go of the guy.

I don't know how I feel after hearing that. Yeji is willing to kill me. Does she think I'm a monster? Who is that guy? Why does he want me dead.

"Yeji, you don't really mean that right? You won't actually kill Ryujin if it gets to that?" My dad shakily say.

"I will do what I need to do! Our pack is known as the guardians of our kind. The protectors are some shit my father created with good intentions but werewolves like you" she points at the strsnger, "ruined it because of your greed for power. I won't let anyone get in the way, including Ryujin!" Yeji growls.

I decide to leave because I couldn't bare to listen anymore. My own mate would kill me. How can I trust her now?

'Where are we going?' Jo asks.

'I don't know. I guess we will just keep walking' I sigh.

After walking for who knows how long, I notice I'm in a familiar area. Then I realize it's where the coven is located. I guess I could visit my parents. Maybe they can help me.

I ring the doorbell and the person in charge recognizes me so she let's me in.

"Are my parents home?" I ask.

"They're inside" she answers.

I walk in the house and I feel so sad. I want to break down but I shouldn't cry over someone who wants to kill me.

"Ryujin? What are you doing back here?" Someone says.

"Oh hello High Priestess. I just want to see my parents" I say clearly in gloomy mood.

"They're in the kitchen" she says curiously but didn't want to pry into my business.

I go to the kitchen and see them both eating. My mom widen her eyes, "Ryujin. You're here. Are you okay? Did something happen?"

"Yeji says she will kill me if I go feral" I sigh.

"She said that?" My dad asks completely shock.

"Well she didn't say feral but how else would you describe a crazy dog" I sit down and start eating food off my moms plate.

"Ryujin, what did she actually say? You tend to exaggerate things" my dad says.

"I'm so offended right now that you would think that of me in this very serious situation about my mate and my possible death" I say with no emotions.

"Just tell us" my mom pinches the bridge of her nose and sighs.

So I tell them what I overheard about Yeji won't hesitate killing me and such.

"Wouldn't you do the same thing? If your mate suddenly starts taking innocent lives, won't you try everything to stop her? Including killing her" my dad questions me.

"Hell no. I'm with my mate until the end. She starts killing and I start burying. I support my mate even if it's their evil doings" I say.

"I forget you're not normal" my dad chuckles.

"Give Yeji a chance to explain. I think you're figuring out your powers so if she does try to kill you and use your translupine powers"  the High Priestess suddenly enters the kitchen.

My parents bow to her and my dad grabs the back of my neck to force me to bow with them.

"How do you know I'm figuring out my powers?" I ask.

"You're forgetting I'm the High Priestess. I'm not just a normal witch. I sense things, others can't. Your powers before was chaotic but now I can feel them and they're more controlled" she explains.

"You're also developing developing your powers from your Kludde ancestor" she says making widen my eyes.

"Does that mean I really will become him? Am I gonna be a demon wolf? As cool as the name sounds, I don't want to become a monster" I say.

"I honestly don't know either" she gives me an apologetic smile.

"Maybe I should just run away. Destined to be alone forever, not deserving love" I look up because I'm too sad.

My mom then smacks me on the back of my head. "Stop being dramatic and talk to Yeji" she scolds.

"Okay okay. Jeez how can a tiny person hit so hard" I rub my head.

"Can I stay the night here though? I need some time from Yeji first" I pout.

"Of course honey" my mom gives me a side hug now.

"You're like the sour patch kids candy. First you're sour then you're sweet" I joke.

"Do you want to feel spicy because I will slap your until your face burns" she glares at me.

"Would you look at that?"I look at my nonexistent watch, "it's time for bed. Good night everyone" I say running to the room I stayed at before.

I get ready for bed and lay down right away. I feel so hurt about what Yeji said. I'm seriously considering running off where no one can find me. I mean normal werewolves can't sense me anyways so it would be hard for them to find me.

I doze off to sleep thinking about Yeji. Feeling heartbroken just the thought of leaving her. Even if she wants to kill me, I want to be by her side.

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