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Yeji pov

I'm currently sitting in the car on my way to the other female Alpha. I'm kinda nervous because I haven't really heard a lot about her aside from she's a female Alpha.

"Why are you so nervous?" Jisu asks me.

"Because this is like my first official business as Alpha. I don't want to make a fool of myself" I say while I lean my head on the window.

"You're overthinking. When you do that then you will be make a fool of yourself. Relax. Be the confident Yeji we all know and sometimes hate" Jisu said.

"You should be a motivational speaker" I sarcastically say.

We arrive at the pack house so I keep taking deep breaths.

A woman with red hair greeted us.

"Welcome Alpha. I hope you had no problem finding out place. My name is Chaeryeong, Beta. My Alpha is waiting for you in her office so if you could follow me please" the cute woman say. She's not my mate though because my wolf and I don't sense anything special.

We follow Chaeryeong and I look around to admire the uniqueness of their pack house. It's always interesting to see other pack houses and how the pack members live in them.

We make it to the office, Chaeryeong knocks and we hear someone say enter. I take one last deep breath before taking a step forward.

I look at the woman in front and wow, is she beautiful. Her long black wavy hair cascading down her shoulder. I didn't realize I was staring until Jisu nudges me.

"Hi, I'm Alpha Yeji of the Light Fury pack. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me" I say.

"Nice to meet you, Alpha Yeji. I'm Alpha Yuna of the Ironclaw Pride pack. Have a seat" Yuna says to me.

I sit down and look around her office. She seems like a busy woman.

"So why did you want to meet with me?" Yuna asks.

"I wanted to know about your experience as a female Alpha. I officially became the Alpha of my pack yesterday and I thought it doesn't hurt to learn from someone with a similar situation" I say.

"Ahh. Just be prepare for other Alphas that will try to tear you down. Especially the older Alphas, they will say anything to degrade you. Just remember you're doing great, your pack respects you or you wouldn't be in that role. As for Alpha duties, just make sure your pack is safe, not causing problems. Think of it as each pack is like it's little country. Each has their own set of rules they have to follow" she explains.

"Have you found your mate? I'm just curious. I'm sorry if that was too forward" I ask.

"I have. You actually met her, Chaeryeong" she says.

I look at her with my eyes slightly squinting, "But she didn't introduce herself as Luna. She just said Beta."

"She doesn't like the title of Luna. It's gonna take some time for her but she is my Luna" Yuna proudly claims.

"Have you found your mate?" She asks.

"No. No luck in that department. I'm just hoping it's not a guy" I laugh lightly truly hoping it's not a guy.

Yuna laughs along with me, "I was worried of that too but trust the moon goddess. They're usually pretty good. If you're lucky, they even do second chance mate."

"Second chance mate?" I ask.

"You don't know about it? It's when a wolf's mate dies for any reason, sometimes the moon goddess will provide you another mate. Not everyone gets a second chance, you have to be a special wolf for the moon goddess to do that" she explains.

"Is Chaeryeong your second chance mate? Is that why you know so much about it?" I ask.

"No. My dad was given a second chance mate which is my mom. His first wife was killed by humans" she shares.

"That's awful. I mean not awful because if she didn't die then you probably won't be born but that's awful because she was killed by humans but maybe it was meant to be because he met your mom—" I ramble on.

"Calm down" Yuna laughs.

"Sorry I didn't know how to react to that information. How come your parents retired so early from being Alpha?" I ask since she's younger than me and she became Alpha first.

"I'm not sure. My dad just suddenly announced one day that he's stepping down. He's been traveling the world ever since. He must be tired of leading the pack" she says.

"Do you like being Alpha?"

"It has its ups and downs. I hate having to make tough decisions and knowing not everyone is gonna be happy but I gotta do what's best for the pack in the end. There's gonna be a lot of days where you might feel like you're not doing enough. Just remember that you are" Yuna advices.

"If ever you have any questions or unsure about anything, don't hesitate to contact. Us females have to stick together but there will be some men who will try to push their power on you. If another Alpha comes to you asking for something and you're not sure if its a good idea or not, call me" Yuna says handing me a business card.

"Thank you so much Alpha Yuna. This is more than what I thought I was going to get when I asked if I could visit you" I say slightly bowing to show my appreciation.

After a few more simple discussion about being an Alpha, Jisu and I had to leave. When we got into the car, I finally relax.
"That turned out better than I expected" I say to Jisu.

"It's sad that your mate is not in that pack either. I was waiting to see a reaction from you to see if you smell anything" Jisu sighed.

"It's okay. I'm sure I'll find my mate in due time. Just have to be patient" I say smiling.

"How are you so positive about this?" Jisu asked.

"There's no sense of worrying about it. I'm sure I'll find her" I say.

"Could be a him too" she says so I smack her.

"I swear you and Hyunjin will jinx it" I pinch the bridge of my nose feeling stress.

"Let's go home" I say to the driver.

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