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Yeji pov

I try to ask Jisu on how Ryujin is doing through our mindlink but she's not responding. I decide to go see Ryujin myself since Jisu is nowhere to be found.

I don't bother knocking on the door but I wish I did. Jisu and Ryujin are in bed together. I form a fist with my hands and I start to snarl at them while staring at them.

"Jisu! What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled.

The two of them suddenly jump up. Jisu sees me right away and kneels down in front of me.

"I'm sorry Alpha" she says looking down.

"What are you doing?! Why are you in bed with Ryujin!?" I say losing control of my anger. It's like I'm forgetting that Jisu is my bestfriend.

"Alpha, it's my fault. I had a nightmare last night and I wanted someone to sleep with me" Ryujin defends Jisu which makes me even more angry.

"You dare do this in my own house?!" I growl.

"Alpha, nothing happened" Jisu still looking down.

"Alpha, stop yelling at Lia" Ryujin steps in again.

I push her against the wall and press my arm on her neck. "Stop defending her and stop calling her Lia! She's Jisu!" I snarl.

For some reason, she looks sad when I said that. I hate that I don't know what she's thinking.

"Let go of me. I'm not in your pack, you can't treat me like this" she tries to break free.

I press my arm harder on her neck,"You're staying in my house so I can treat you however I want!"

She punches me on my throat and I hold my neck right away so I let go of Ryujin. I start coughing.

"You're gonna regret that!" I growl then lunge at her. I punch her nose then I take her hand and twist it until I hear a snap. I hear her scream that's when I feel someone pull me off her.

"Alpha! Stop! Please" Jisu begs.

I get back to my senses to see Ryujin with a bloody nose while holding her hand. "W–what did I do?" I stutter looking at Ryujin.

My brother and Minju now enters the room and quickly help Ryujin get up. "What happened here?" Hyunjin ask.

"I'll explain it to you on the way to the pack house" Jisu says. They take Ryujin and rush her to the hospital, leaving me alone.

I go back to my office and lock the door. I can't believe I lost control again. How is Ryujin always my victim when I lose control?

'Are you okay Lucy?' I ask.

'No. I don't feel good. I feel sad and I don't know why' she says.

Why does Lucy always feel something bad when I hurt Ryujin. How am I connected to Ryujin? Why do i keep hurting Ryujin?

'You have to control yourself better with Ryujin. You're hurting her when she hasn't done anything to you. We need her to trust usLucy says.

'I don't know why I keep losing control around her' I say.

'Do you smell that?' She ask.

I take a deep breath and there's a faint smell of mocha bread and tangerines. The last time I smelled at was at the café.

'Why is that smell here?' I ask.

'I think it's Ryujin. I think she's our mate. That would explain why she attracts you and why I get restless when you hurt her.'

'But how come you're unsure still. Why can't we tell for sure if she's our mate or not!? Why can't I smell her scent all the time then!?' I say feeling frustrated.

'It might be a doing of her parents' she tells me.

'What if it's not!? What if Ryujin is a part witch or wizard so she's able to hide her scent. What if she's a bad wolf? If she's our mate then why can't I fully trust her?' I question Lucy and myself.

'Alpha, Mr. Shin is here' one of my guards say.

'Bring him to my office' I order.

Mr. Shin arrives in my office a few minutes later. "Alpha Yeji, what's with the sudden invitation?" He ask

"Why don't we wait until my father gets here" I say and he nods in agreement.

"Yeji! How could you hurt Ryujin!? Again?!" My dad yells walking in. He stops right away when he sees Mr. Shin.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't realize you're already here" my dad says to our guest.

"What does he mean you hurt Ryujin?" Mr. Shin turns to me

"I just lost control. She's getting treated but she will back soon" I say.

"Ryujin is here?" He asks with anticipation.

"Yes. She's staying here for the meantime. That's why we called you here. She wanted to meet you. She seems curious about you" I say.

Mr. Shin looks surprise with what I said. "How did she get away from the witches?"

"They let her leave. Change of heart I guess" I shrug.

"Alpha, Ryujin is here" I hear Jisu say outside the the door.

"Let her in."

Ryujin enters the room and I see her hand has a cast. She glares at me as she walks in.

"Ryujin" Mr. Shin says.

Ryujin looks at him and this is the first I didn't see her happy go lucky attitude. Did I make her that mad for breaking her hand?

I wanted to face palm myself because that was a stupid question. Who wouldn't be mad if you break their hand.

"Is he my father?" Ryujin asks.

"Yes, he is" my dad answers.

Ryujin smiles, "Nice to meet you. I'm Ryujin."

"My Ryujin. I can't believe I finally found you. I've looked for you for so long" Mr. Shin approaches Ryujin and tries to hug her.

Ryujin dodges the hug, "I'm sorry. We just met. Even if you are my father, to me, you're a stranger.'

"I understand. We can take our time to get to know each other. I'm just happy to see you alive and well. Hopefully, soon you would want to live with me and join our pack. We don't have to bother the Light Fury pack" he says.

"She's not a bother at all" my dad says kind of aggravated. I know he likes Ryujin being here. It's easier to keep an eye on her.

Mr. Shin did most of the talking and Ryujin just watched him. I thought Ryujin would be more excited to meet her dad. I guess it's different when he's right in front you seeing him as a stranger.

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