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Yeji pov

I didn't go to the café today. Jisu did go for me to check on Ryujin but I'm feeling really anxious to know if Ryujin is okay. What's taking her so long?

I keep myself busy by pretending to look at budgets. I just look at the paper in my hands but not really paying attention to what any of it means.

Jisu knocks on my door before entering. The look on her face suggest she doesn't have good news for me.

"Ryujin is gone" she says.

I stand up, slamming my hands on my desk, "What!?"

"Ryujin is gone. Her friends says she quit because of you" Jisu says.

"I thought you meant she was dead!" I angrily say.

"This is still bad! What are you going to say to your dad once he finds out?" She says to me.

"I need to talk to Ryujin" I say getting ready to leave.

"I don't think that's a good idea" she says to me.

"Yeji!" I hear my dad yell my name.

"Why did Ryujin quit?" My dad asks walking into my office.

"I don't know. I have to go see her and talk to her" I say trying to leave.

"No. You've done enough" he says to me.

"I will talk to her!" I growl at him!

He immediately calms down.

"Yeji, you need to control yourself. You can't talk to her in this condition, you could actually kill her this time" Jisu says.

"You hurt her?" My dad says sounding disappointed.

"I didn't mean to. I just lost control. I don't know what happened. There's something about her that makes me crazy. I don't know, maybe I don't trust her since she grew up with witches. It doesn't matter to me if she's human or not" I say.

"Yeji, she's still human. She hasn't done anything to make us suspicious of her" my dad says.

"I need to see her" I say leaving and I hear them trying to call me back. This time I actually drive myself to Ryujin's place then when I notice she wasn't there, I drive to her parent's house. I see Mr. Shin is there again.

"You're still here?" I ask.

"I saw them rush to the hospital last night. Ryujin got hurt. Maybe she's not who I thought she was" he says in a sad tone.

"You still can't tell me about her without being in pain?" I ask and he nods.

I'm about to cross the street. "They haven't come home yet. I lost them at the hospital so I've been waiting here" he says.

"Where would they go?" I ask.

"They probably hid her again. They probably knew I wouldn't stop until I confirm who Ryujin really is" he clench his jaw.

"Are you planning to hurt Ryujin?" I ask feeling confuse why he suddenly became angry.

"That's none of your business, Alpha Yeji" he says still clenching his jaw.

"I'm the reason they're hiding her. Not you" I say.

He relaxes a bit, "What do you mean?"

"I hurt her. I choked her and almost killed her" I say looking down.

"What!?" He tackles me to the ground.

I easily push him off and pin him down, "I'm still Alpha, Mr. Shin. Show some respect."

"Stay away from her!" He yells while struggling to get up.

"I'm trying! But I can't stop looking for her! I can't stop wondering what she's doing! But every time I'm with her, nothing goes to plan!" I yell back at him.

"Now you're telling me that they haven't come home yet so no one knows where she is! No one knows if she's safe! If those witches actually care about her! Everyone is so disappointed that I hurt her! I'm disappointed in myself too! My wolf is hurting and I don't know why! So I don't need you to make me feel any worse!" I yell.

I don't know what's happening to me. My wolf starts whimpering knowing we don't know where Ryujin is. Why do I care so much about her?

"Alpha Yeji, what are you doing to my dad?" I get off to sew Yuna giving me an angry look.

"It's okay Yuna. I started it" he says to his daughter.

"What are you doing here, Yuna?" Mr. Shin asks his daughter.

"I was informed that my dad is lurking around here like a creeper when I thought he was traveling around the world" Yuna crosses her arms staring at her dad.

"I'm sorry" he says looking down.

"Are you not gonna tell me why you're here?" She says and I can feel she's irritated.

"I can't Yuna. Even if I want to" he says.

Yuna turns to me looking for an answer and I'm not sure if I should say anything or not.

"He's watching a girl. I'm not sure what he wants from the girl but he's been keeping an eye on her" i blurt out.

"Does mom know about this? Are you cheating on mom?" Yuna growls.

"No! I love your mom and yes she knows what I've been up to" he says.

"Then why can't you tell me?" Yuna frowns.

"I've been cursed. I can't talk about it now" he says.

She turns to me again and I shrug, "I don't know any more information other than that."

"Who cursed you?" She asks her dad.

"The witches that lives in that house" I point at the house, "the girl he's watching is under their care."

"Is she human?" Yuna asks me.

"Yes" I answer but Mr. Shin tries to say something but instead he looks like he's in pain.

"What's so special about this human, dad?" Yuna faces her father again.

"I can't answer that" he sighs.

Our conversation stops when they see a car pull up to the house. They all look unfamiliar to me so I look at Mr. Shin and Yuna to see if they know who those people are.

"They're werewolves. They're after her too" he says while watching them raid the house.

"Why?" I stammer out.

He remains silent so I assume it's something he can't say again.

"Shouldn't we help them or stop them?" I ask.

"Don't go near them. They're not good wolves" he says angrily.

"Dad, do you know them?" Yuna asks.

"They're murderers, in my opinion. They don't only kill humans, they kill our kind too. If they think you're a threat, even if you're not, they will kill you" he says.

"Why isn't anyone stopping them?" I ask.

"Because other packs think they're good. They kill humans that tries to kill us first. They think their mission is to protect our kind and our reputation. I'm sure you two have heard about the bad stories about us being monsters. Everything you've heard is true. We were monsters but overtime we changed and tried to live peacefully while leaving humans alone. Werewolves, aside from them, haven't killed a single human for hundreds of years but it all changed over 20 years ago" he says.

"What happened?" Yuna and I both asks.

"We should talk somewhere more private" he says.

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