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Ryujin pov

It's been a week since I've been back to this place. I've been doing some training with my mate and try to keep myself focus. It's hard but I'm managing.

Chaeyoung and Mina still follows me around. My mom and I have been spending a lot of time too. She's been telling me a lot about my father and how good he was and how I remind her of him. I'm just glad that I'm not related to that Mr. Shin, no offense Yuna.

'Ryujin, meet me up front' Yeji informs me.

'Okie, master' I joke.

She ignores so i start heading to the front door. I wonder why she wants to meet there. I look around and Chaeyoung and Mina are nowhere to be found. So much for having to watch me.

I make it to the front but I don't see my mate anywhere around. I walk out to look around and I don't see anyone around.

'Hide, Ryujin! Territory has been invaded' Lia tells me.

"Oh shit" I say out loud.

'What do we do?' I ask Jo.

'Hide like what you're told to do' she answers.

Before I could run, it was too late. I see a group of wolves running after. I guess this will really the end of me.

'Shut up' Jo says.

'But I didn't say anything' I argue.

'Shut your thoughts.'

Before I could argue, I feel myself shifting and I thought that was a good idea. Im glad Jo thought of that. I'm still used to the feeling of not controlling body and just watching as a viewer at what's going on in my surroundings.

Jo stands, ready to fight while the big wolves are getting closer. We've been training so we should be better but I don't know what's gonna happen when it's many versus one.

They stop and form a circle, trapping us in. I don't bother talking to Jo so we don't accidentally die because of me.

They're growling, Jo is growling and you just hear growling. They suddenly all attack at once and I notice Jo doesn't know what to do. She closes her eyes, waiting for the impact but it didn't happen. Instead, we hear a loud yelp from multiple wolves. She open her eyes and every seems to just have passed through us.

This is a good defense thing but we can't really win like this. They won't leave unless we attack but I don't want to attack and hurt them.

'They're trying to hurt us, first. We have no choice' Jo tells me.

Out of nowhere, we feel someone slam their body against us.

'What happened?' I ask.

'I don't know'  Jo answers.

Then another wolf slams us causing us to fall on our back.

'Our thing is not working. They must have a witch or wizard stopping us'  Jo says.

Jo slowly gets up when someone else bites her back left leg. She releases a yelp from the pain then anger takes over her and I feel it. Her whole presence changes and I notice the wolves around us stops moving. They keep moving their heads like they're trying to see what's around them.

Jo is just standing there, watching everyone. After a few minutes, they seem to go back to their senses and starts looking for us again. When they see us, they run after us again but Jo just focuses more. It seems like she's fighting something, someone is trying to stop her.

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