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Yeji pov

It's been a week since I saw Ryujin with her friends. I ordered someone to always guard the place to make sure nothing suspicious is happening. I sometimes would do it myself but I have to do my Alpha duties so I can't be there all the time. I still find it hard to believe that Ryujin is one of us.

I haven't told Mr. Shin that Ryujin is his daughter because how do you even bring that up to someone?

'Alpha, Ryujin is leaving the coven. She seems to be heading somewhere.'

'Follow her and tell me where it is' I order.

I'm in the training field watching the wolves spar with each other.

'Alpha, she's at the mall.'

'I'll be there' I say.

What the hell is she doing going at a mall? Why are her parents letting her leave now? Did they do something to her?

I run to the car right away and drive to the mall as fast as I can. If she really is the last of the Kludde wolf, I need to protect her. Even if her mom killed a human instead of a wizard, Ryujin is still innocent.

I reach the mall and I find Ryujin at the food court. Is she by herself? What is she doing in a mall? I look around to see if her parents are with her but they're not.

"Alpha, she's just sitting at the food court since she got here. I don't know if she's waiting for someone" My guard say.

"I'll take it from here. Go back to the pack house" I say to him without looking away from Ryujin.

I watch Ryujin for over an hour and she hasn't move from that same spot. What is she doing? Has she gone crazy? I was expecting to see that short girl and her girlfriend but nothing.

I give up, feeling extremely impatient and I decide to approach Ryujin.

"Ms. Hwang" she stands up and greets when she saw me walking towards her.

"What are you doing here?" I sit down across from her.

"No hello? I'm quite hurt" she says to me smiling.

"Answer me" I glare at her.

"I was waiting for you" She scratches her arm.

"What are you talking about?" I asks.

"I know you've been watching me. Now that I've found out I'm a werewolf just like you, my senses are insane. I was able to spot your man and you. You have a very nice scent by the way" she winks at me.

"What the fuck are you on? And your parents finally told you that you're a werewolf. Why? What changed?"

"They thought keeping it a secret is hurting me more than it's helping me" she explains.

"Why can't I sense your wolf?" I asks because I'm really curious. If her wolf is out, I should be able to sense it.

"Not sure. Maybe because it's been hidden for so long" she looks away from me.

"Why were you waiting for me?" I ask remembering what she said.

"I'm not exactly sure what you know about me but I'm guessing it's something big since you've been keeping an eye on me. Am I wrong?" She raises one brow.

"Tell me what the witches told you first?" I ask.

"You don't trust me?" She stands up and walks around the table, "That's fair, I guess." She sits down next to me and I turn my body to face her, "Are you not gonna tell me what the witches told you? For all I know they made us look bad so you'll side with them."

I see her eyes look down on my chest area. She points at something and her finger is actually touching my chest. "You got a little something there" she says.

I look down and she flicks her finger upwards to my nose causing me to look up. I look back at her and she's laughing like crazy. I should kill her right now but her laugh is making me feel weird.

I snap back to my senses and I grab her arm, "Why you little piece of shit" I grit my teeth.

"I'm sorry. You were just so serious" she continues laughing.

She stands back up and she goes back to her original seat across from me. "Are you a hybrid?" I ask.

"Hybrid of what? You have to be specific" she says.

"Witch and wolf" I answer.

"I would be dead by now if I was. I can tell you have something against them and they hate werewolves as much as our kind hate them so there's no way they would keep me alive" she says.

"And it makes sense that they keep you alive as pure blood werewolf?" I question.

"Have you heard of the protectors?" She asks catching me off guard. I didn't think she would know about that right off the start.

"Yes" I simply answer.

"This is risky for me but I feel like I have no choice. I need your help. They're after me just because I'm a Kludde descendant. I honestly don't know what type of help I'm requesting, I didn't think this through" she stops talking to think.

"But there's a voice that would talk to my wolf and we want to find that creature. This voice explained to my wolf about our kind. They seem to know us well" she says.

"Why me though?" I look at her trying to figure her put.

"Honestly, I was going to ask your dad but since you're already here, I made a reckless decision" she smiles at me.

"Why are you smiling?" I ask creeped out.

"Nothing, you just have a really nice scent. It's soothing" she continues to smile at me.

I crease my brows, "Okay? But the voice might be your father. He's been looking for you and he sometimes can feel you" I say remembering Mr. Shin.

"I have a father!?" She raises her voice.

"Where did you think you came from if you didn't have a father?" I give her a weird look.

"I just thought my parents were both dead" she lowers her voice and look down. Now I feel like an asshole.

"I'm sorry" I say. Did I just apologize? An Alpha never apologizes.

"By the way, since you know you're a werewolf, you have to refer to me as Alpha Yeji" I say.

"Yeji" I hear her whisper.

"Alpha Yeji. Not just Yeji" I say in my authoritative voice.

"Why Alpha?" She asks genuinely confuse.

"Ahh right, you're probably not familiar with ranks. Are you allowed to come with me? I'll take you back to my pack house then I can tell you about the ranks and you can asks all the questions you want. I'd like you to see my dad and see how we can help you" I say.

"Meeting the parents already? I didn't know we were moving this fast in our relationship Ms. Hwang. You should have at least bought a meal" she smirks and gives me another wink.

"What are you talking about? You're not my type" I lie.

"I'm just kidding. Loosen up, Ms. Hwang" she says before standing, "But yes I can go with you to your place."

I lead the way to my car and I look back at Ryujin. She's an odd one. Normally, if anyone talks to me like she has, they would be near their death. I'm also bothered that I can't sense her wolf. Did the witches do something to her? Are they using her to hurt us? I really hope you're not a spy, Ryujin. I'd hate you kill you.

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