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Ryujin pov

I'm currently in Yeji's car. I can't believe I actually flirted with her. Sadly, I don't think she likes it or if she notices it. Maybe I need to step up my game? She's scary though. Why does she have to be my mate?

It's so quiet in the car. I look at her while she's driving and I see her side profile. She looks so intimidating. Her lips look like lips, she has two eyes, her nose has a point.

'What are you doing? Of course she has lips and eyes? Why are you pointing it out?' Jo disrupts my thought.

'I'm admiring her face' I say.

'By pointing out that she has lips, nose and eyes? You have those too.'

'I don't know how to admire beauty!' I accidentally say.

'You could have just said she's beautiful instead of sounding like a moron with she has lips, eyes and nose' she mocks me.

"You must be talking to your wolf?" The scary woman says to me.

"Uhh yes. How did you know?" I ask.

"You scrunch up your face. I'm assuming you're trying to focus. New werewolves do it at first. I can't believe they hid your wolf for so long" she says in a bitter tone.

"They were trying trying to protect me. My parents loved me and cared for me. I owe them a lot" I say.

"Can you explain the ranking thing?" I change topic because she might say something I don't like.

"In our world, we have packs. Kind of like our own little village. Each pack has a leader, they call an Alpha. In my pack, I'm the leader so you should refer to me as Alpha Yeji. Then there's Beta, Delta, Omega and warriors" She says.

"You're pretty much top dog?" I ask then she snarls at me.

"Don't call us dogs. We are werewolves!"

"Got it. Sorry. So what is Lia's rank?" I ask and I see her tighten the grip on the steering wheel.

"She's a Beta" she says and I think she growled a little. She seems weird. Do all werewolves have anger issues?

"Do you know my rank?" I ask. I can't believe I asked about Lia before asking about myself.

"Since you're not in a pack. You would be considered a rogue wolf" she says.

"Wow that sounds cool. I'm so rogue. Don't mess with me I'm rogue" I say.

'Stop talking. You're embarrassing yourself' Jo tells me but ignore her.

"What's your wolf's name?" I become curious since she is our mate.

"Lucy, how about yours?"

"Joanne but call her Jo. Don't call her Anne. She gets a bit upset. I think being hidden made her crazy" I shrug.

"Are you always like this? You say more information than you need to? You could have said just Joanne but call her Jo. You didn't have to say the other things" she turns to me for a quick second then turn back to looking at the road.

"I don't know. I just wanted to inform you that she doesn't like being called Anne because I asked about it once then she got all defensive" I say.

"So even if I'm not in your pack I still have to call you Alpha?" I ask to confirm.

"Yes. Same with other packs. You never refer to them just by their name it's always Alpha."

"What about your mate? Do they have to call you Alpha?" I look at her hoping that she won't reject me when she finds out I'm her mate.

"No. Alpha's mate is called Luna. They're equal in rank" she says.

I turn away from her, looking back at the road ahead. I'm her Luna. To be honest, I think rogue sounds better but Luna makes me sound so elegant

"Can you help me meet my father?" I ask softly.

"Never mind. Do you think he could be one of the wolves who wants to hurt me?" I ask instead.

"I will protect you okay? I won't let the protectors hurt you" her response surprises me. I didn't know she's so protective me of already. Maybe she can still sense I'm her mate.

"Have you found your mate?" I say without being too obvious that I'm her mate.

"Sadly no but it's weird. Before my wolf and I are so eager to find my mate but now it doesn't feel like we're in a rush to find them."

'Should we tell her about us being mates?' I ask Jo.

'Not yet. We don't know if we can fully trust her yet. She knew about us and the protectors. She could be pretending to be on our side. So keep your guard up' Jo says.

"Okay. I feel like she won't hurt us" I say.

We finally arrive at her place. I look around to see a lot of people? Werewolves? I look out further and see some are fighting.

"Why are they fighting?" I ask.

"They're not really fighting each other. It's training so that way if ever we're attacked we can defend ourselves" she says.

"Can you help me train? I want to be able to defend myself in case the protectors find me."

"Hey Alpha" Lia runs to Yeji. She looks at me and smiles, "I see you got Ryujin to come with you."

"Hey Lia" I hug her, "It's been a while. I missed you."

She hugs me back, "I missed you too."

I suddenly hear a growl and I see Yeji looking at me like she wants to kill me. Maybe she is just pretending to be nice to me.

I try to ignore it because I feel sad thinking she could hurt me.

"So is your answer still a no? Or our date?"I say to Lia with a smile. She scratches her nape and look down. Am I gonna get rejected?

Before I know it, someone grabs my wrist and pulls me away from Lia. I wave goodbye with my free hand and I look at Yeji looking so angry.

She drags me into a random room and slams back against the door. She places her hands on the door with my head in between.

She leans down to my ear, "Do not flirt with Jisu, understand?" She growls.

I should be scared but honestly, her growl is hot.

We hear a knock on the door, "Yeji, I hear you brought Ryujin with you. Meet me at your office and let's talk" we hear a man's voice. I'm assuming it's her father.

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