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Lily pov

"Why do I have to do this again?" I ask.

"Because Ryujin is stupid" Chaeyoung answers.

"I'm not stupid!" Ryujin pouts.

"Angel Jihyo allows you to enter Yeji's dream to make her fight to live and this is how you're gonna show up?" Mina asks disbelief.

"It's my style. Imagine how happy she would be to see I'm still here" Ryujin says.

"You can do that by just showing up" Mina tries to reason that this isn't a good idea.

"But why me?" I ask.

"Because you're the only one gullible enough to agree to help Ryujin" Chaeyoung laughs.

"She's not gullible. It's just no one can resist this charm" Ryujin winks at me.

"So what's the plan?" I give up questioning why me.

"I'll turn into a snake and I'll be in your pocket. I'll change my scent and she will think it's you" Ryujin explains.

"Why are you doing this? Just tell her you're alive" Mina again tries to persuade Ryujin not to do this.

"Thinking about it, I like this idea. It's so Ryujin" Chaeyoung now sides with Ryujin.

"Thank you" Ryujin playfully bows.


Ryujin pov

We get ready to leave to see Yeji. I'm really excited but I'm also nervous. Does she still have feelings for me? Has she moved on since she thinks I'm dead.

I really wouldn't be here without Chaeyoung, Mina and Jihyo. Especially Jihyo.

"Are you ready?" I ask Lily before I shift into a snake.

"I guess. I'm just glad I can't be killed or I wouldn't agree to this" Lily tries to scare me.

"I survived three demons attacking, you can't scare me" I stick out my tongue.

I shift into a tiny snake, she picks me up and put me in her pocket. This can either be heartwarming or I really will die by the hands of my mate. A risk I'm willing to take.

We travel by foot until we arrive at Yeji's territory. As expected, a guard stops us.

"State your business" The guard asks.

"We- I mean I'd like to see Alpha Yeji. It's something important" Lily almost blows our cover.

"Wait here" he says. I'm assuming he's asking higher ups for permission.

After a few minutes, I hear Lia's voice.

Oh my goodness. Oh how much I missed my Lia.

"Come follow me" Jisu instructs and we start moving again.

Then I thought, that's it? Yeji should improve her security. No checking pockets? What if Lily is lying and she has a deadly weapon. My mate can be so careless sometimes.

I'm pretty sure Lia is gonna take us to Yeji's office unless something changed but I don't think so.

"You can wait here" Lia tells Lily and I'm starting to get giddy.

We wait for some time. I wonder what she's doing.

I hope she hasn't found anyone, I think to myself.

'Dumbo, she can't have a second chance mate when we're still alive' Jo suddenly speaks.

'She could still fall in love with someone' I say.

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