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Ryujin pov

"You're finally out" the man standing in the doorway say.

'He's the voice' Jo says.

"It's you" I say to the strange man.

"What are you doing here?" Mr. Hwang ask.

"We're family. I should be included in this" the man smirks.

"How much did you hear?" Yeji asks.

"Enough to know that I was right" he says. We all look at him seriously confuse.

"What?" I say.

"I knew there was something else about you. When we killed your mother, everyone practically forgot you were there, as if you didn't exist. I'm not gonna lie, I almost forgot you myself but luckily when everyone was busy attacking Chaeyoung I link myself to you" he smiles but I'm not sure if it's a friendly smile or not.

"Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you. Why do you think I've been helping you these past few years" he says.

"You've been helping her how? What do you mean you linked yourself to her?" Yeji looks angry.

"Her wolf was hidden and she didn't grow up with werewolves so when her wolf comes out, they won't know a single thing about to do. So I've been giving her information to help prepare themselves" he explains.

"But why?" I ask.

"At first its because so I could find you and kill you myself. I'm gonna lie I was blinded by power back then but later on my goals have changed. While they were still after you, I wanted to help you" we all look at him not sure whether to believe him or not.

"And now that you're my niece's mate, I'm glad I didn't kill you" he tries to lighten the mood.

"Wait, does that mean I'm gonna be Luna?" I suddenly remember.

Yeji glares at me, "Is that really important right now?"

"How is it not? I'm gonna become a wolf in power" I square up my shoulder and turn my head to the side like a superhero.

"Focus Ryujin!" She raises her voice at me.

"Yes boss" I salute her.

"Why are the protectors so hell bent on trying to kill her?" Yeji ask.

"I honestly don't know. I don't even think it has something to do with her being a Kludde descendant. It seems personal" he explains.

"What could I have possibly done to him for it to be for personal reasons? Did I steal his girl or something?" I ask.

"Ryujin" Yeji growls at me. I give her a peace to show her I mean no harm.

"How can we trust you?" Yeji asks.

"I guess you have no choice but to trust me. I could have easily called the protectors to come here if I wanted her dead."

"Did you know she's a translupine?" Mr. Hwang asks.

"Not at first. I did my research. It didn't take long for me to find her with the help of some old friend. They confirmed it for me then the protectors imprisoned me so the best I could do was just send them information. Kind of like werewolf 101" he laughs at his lame joke.

"Who's your friend and how would they know?" Yeji ask.

"He's one of the Grand Elders. Translupine can hide themselves from us but they can't hide their existence from higher ups like Elders, gods or angels" he explains.

"This is too much" I whisper. I feel my head hurting.

Yeji stands up and sits beside me, "Are you okay? Are you hurting anywhere?"

"I should have mentioned I'm your mate a long time ago if I knew you'd be caring to me instead of abusing me" I say.

She rolls her eyes and she grabs my face to see if im hurt. "Seriously, are you hurt?"

"No I'm fine. This happens occasionally when I feel overwhelmed but surprisingly, your touch helps. Are your hands always this soft? You know I figured werewolves would have rough hands because you're on all fours when you're in wolf form so I'm surprise that your hands are soft" I smile at her.

"Why are you so random?" She squints her eyes while staring into mine.

I ignore her question, "What do you say, mate? Should we trust that man over there? Or should I say uncle? Does this mean we're technically married? Do werewolves get married? What are we? Do we just say we're mate? Are we exclusive now? Are—" she cuts me off by pressing her lips against.

My eyes are wide open but I kiss her back anyways because it would be rude not to. She's my mate after all.

"Does that answer your question?" She gives me a smirk.

I shake my head, "What question?"

She brings her lips near my ear. "If I see you flirt or anyone tries to flirt with you, I will kill them right on the spot."

I do the same to her. "Such an Alpha thing to say" I whisper. I then give her cheek a big lick and she backs away from me. She aggressively wipes her cheek. "What's wrong with you?!" She growls angrily.

Lia, Mr. Hwang 1 and 2 are all laughing at what happened.

"I thought that's how werewolves show affection?" I say playing innocent when it all honesty, it was getting hot and I needed to diffuse the moment.

"We don't have time for you two to be all R-rated on us" my dad says.

"Dad!" Yeji yells clearly blushing.

"We're going back to the pack house and we're gonna train Ryujin properly" my dad says.

"I also have this ability to go through and change my density to destroy their organs" I proudly say.

"I don't know what's more scary. The fact that you can do that or you seem so proud of it" Lia says.

"Can we still be friends? Like you're not gonna be afraid to be around me now right?" I walk to her.

She gives me a smile, "Of course. I'm sorry for thinking badly of you."

"It's okay" I hug her and I feel her body tense up.

We hear a cough from behind me and we look at Yeji with her murderous eyes. Not gonna lie, I kinda like making her jealous. I know that's like playing with her fire but she looks so sexy angry.

I wrap my arms around her arm and look up at her, "Are you ready to go, mate?" I ask cutely.

"Stop that" she tries to say seriously but I saw her smile before she quickly runs outside.

We all head back to the pack house and this time I can run with them. Shifting still hurt but it wasn't as bad as before. I notice that the Hwangs looked quite surprise when they saw my wolf. I wonder if I look cool.

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