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Ryujin pov


'How could you lose a pup? She's one pup!'

'I will never forgive her for killing Chaeyoung.'

'That pup is too powerful. We can't it live. It's just a matter of time before she uses her power to kill us all.'

'Master, why would she kill us? We're the same kind as her?'


'Once she finds out what she really is, she will go crazy and lose control. We can't have someone like her stay alive.'

'Those wizards had one job and they couldn't even get it done. I provided them all the information they needed.'

'I still smell the witches. They're nearby! Bring me Ryujin! Dead or alive!'


I wake up in tears. I try to sit up but I feel an immense pain on my side. I look around and I realize I'm somewhere unfamiliar. Did Yeji leave me?

"You're awake" I hear a woman's voice say.

"Where am I?" I ask.

"You're in my hideout? Home? Not sure what to refer it as" she chuckles.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"First, put some clothes on" she toss me a shirt and pants. Great, two people have seen me naked and neither one is my mate.

"Did you abduct me? Just so you know I have no money. I was adopted so they probably won't give you money to release me. Are you gonna tie me up? I've never been abducted before so I'm not sure what to do. I guess you could I was kidnapped but is it really kidnapping if your mom tells those people to take you?" I ramble on because I'm nervous.

She looks at me like I'm crazy then laughs. "I didn't abduct. I found you unconscious. You looked like you were shot with an arrow. How are you still alive after a silver arrow hitting you? I'm not sure" she says.

"So you're a wolf too?" I ask.

"Yes" she answers.

I look around and I don't see anyone else around, "Where's your pack?"

"I don't have one. I'm a rogue" she shrugs her shoulders.

"No way! That's so cool. That's so rogue of you" I smirk.

She looks at me extremely confused. "Never got that reaction before. Normally, pack wolves hates rogues because we're unpredictable."

"You know what? I think I'm rogue too!" I suddenly realize, "I don't belong to a pack. Although my mate is an Alpha but I'm not part of her pack. I'm new to being a werewolf. Why don't you have a pack?"

"I couldn't take it how my Alpha handled his pack. He would take out his frustration  on us whenever he can't find the wolf he's been looking for and one I've had enough and ran off" she explains.

I wonder if Yeji would let her join her pack. She seems cool. "What's your name?" I ask.

"Winter" she smiles.

"My favorite season! And I'm Ryujin" I smile.

"You're something different Ryujin" she laughs while shaking her head.

"Why is that?" I furrow my brows.

"You just are. What pack is your mate in? Maybe I can help you get back to them?" She offers.

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