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Ryujin pov

I wake up somewhere unfamiliar. I look around. Oh wait, I'm at the coven. I was so used to at my room at Yeji's house.

'You're so ridiculous sometimes' Jo makes fun of me.

I ignore her because it's too early for Jo time. I wonder if Yeji has noticed that I'm gone. Is she looking for me? My mom thinks I should talk to her but a part of me is asking do I really want to? And the answer is yes.

'Ryujin, it's too early for your nonsense' Jo makes another comment.

'I'm your human so live with it. You'll never have a boring time with me and you should be happy about that' I say.

'I am for the most part but sometimes you're also tiring' Jo quips.

I gasp out loud. 'To think I thought we were bestfriends' I play hurt.

'You know I know how you feel? And you're not really hurt' she shuts me down right away.

'It's called drama. Have some in your life' I say.

'I get plenty of that having you as my human' she laughs.

'Rude' I say.

I get up thinking about going back to Yeji's pack. I say good bye to my parents and give them a big hug so they know that I'll miss them.

Walking outside, I see someone is standing there. Could they be waiting for me? Does Yeji know I'm here? Why didn't she come get me herself?

"Hello Ryujin" the extremely tall man say.

I look up, "Wow, you're tall."

"I'm guess that's your way of saying hi to me" the man chuckles. He seems friendly.

'Just because someone is friendly it doesn't mean they're trustworthy' Jo reminds me.

'I got this' I say full of confidence.

"I'm from Yeji's pack. She asked me to get you" he says.

"I knew it" I say before I feel something hard hit my head.

I wake up feeling groggy and my head hurts like hell. I look around and it looks like I'm locked up in a cell. Is this what dogs feel like when they're locked up in cages? because it doesn't feel good.

I try to stand up but I feel really weak. You know I don't think I'm living up to my reputation as the most dangerous werewolf in the world.

'Jo, are you okay?' I ask.

I wait for respond and nothing.

'Jo?' I say a bit worried now.

What could they have done to my wolf? Are the witches here? I thought they're the only capable of doing this to me.

The tall man I saw from earlier walks in.

"Hello Ryujin" he says.

"Can I help you? I think you made a mistake" I say innocently.

"I don't think I did. You're the translupine child of Park Chaeyoung" he says.

"See, you made a mistake. I'm not translupine. I'm a tilapia. You know the fish? I'm part fish, part werewolf. I don't know how my parents did it but kudos to my fish daddy" I try to convince him.

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