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Yeji pov

I drove Mr. Shin and Yuna back to my place so we can talk in my office. I told everyone in the pack house to not disturb me.

We're now sitting in my office, Yuna and I both staring at Mr. Shin waiting for him to tell us the story of what happened 20 years ago.

He takes a deep breath, "Are you two familiar with the Kludde werewolf?"

Yuna and I both shake our heads. I'm not sure where Yuna and Mr. Shin came from from but my pack is from the Faoladh werewolf.

Mr. Shin must have notice my curiosity since he answers my questions.

"Yuna and I are descendants from the Amarok wolf" he says.

I look at him confuse since I actually heard about Amaroks, "But Amaroks are lone wolves. They don't like packs" I say.

"Like I said things change overtime" he says smiling at me.

"So what's the Kludde werewolves?" Yuna asks.

"Kludde is known as the demonic wolf, known as a tormentor. He lures his prey using blindness and hypnotic songs then kills them. His favorite target are children. He takes and pulls them into the water. A water demon. Those wolves you saw earlier are called the protectors because they supposedly protect our kind" he pauses.

"Over twenty years ago, they heard rumors that a descendant of the Kludde wolf was acting like Kludde himself and this scared others. One night, that werewolf actually drowned a child and this was enough reason for the protectors to kill this wolf. They didn't ask why or even this wolf a chance to defend herself" he says bitterly.

He seems to be really angry about this story, I thought.

He continues, "they kill the wolf and after that, they killed every werewolf that's a descendant of Kludde in fear of them doing the same thing."

He chuckles bitterly, "It's funny how they're supposed to protect us but they killed a bunch of innocent werewolves just because of a possibility. At one point or another, all of our ancestors harmed a human so should we all die because of it? Amaroks hunted people that are alone. Should Yuna and I die for something our ancestors did but we didn't do?"

"But you said this wolf drowned a child?" I ask confuse.

"But they don't know why she did that! They don't know the reason for her action!" He raises his voice.

"She killed a child?" I say.

"Just because they are children, it doesn't make them innocent" he looks at me in the eyes and he's in pain.

"Why do you sound so affected by this, dad?" Yuna asks.

"Because the wolf they killed is my first mate" He whispers.

"What?!" Yuna and I both stand up clearly surprise.

"The protectors are acting like a God. Dictating who and who can't live. My mate wouldn't have harmed a child without a reason. The protectors never liked her because she didn't believe in what they're doing so they would keep finding reasons to take her down and they found it" he says breathing hard.

"I'm sorry, dad. I didn't know" Yuna hugs her.

While they're having their moment, my mind goes to Ryujin. Why are the protectors after Ryujin? She's a wolf. Is it possible for Kludde to have a human descendant? Things are confusing me more now.

"I'm guessing you can't tell me why they're after Ryujin?" I ask Mr. Shin.

He shakes his head and I just become more frustrated. "Ryujin is the name of the girl?" Yuna asks.

"Yep. Park Ryujin" I say.

"Where have I seen the name Ryujin before?" Yuna questions.

"So all the Kludde descendants are gone?" Yuna asks.

"I thought they were. I grieved for a long time thinking they were then I found out one survived so I took to retirement and has been looking for that one" he says.

"So Ryujin is a Kludde descendant? How?" I ask.

Mr. Shin tries to answer but again, pain just soars through his body.

I'm gonna kill those witches for preventing Mr. Shin to answer any of my questions.

"Does mom know all of this?" Yuna asks.

"Yes she does. She knew from the beginning"  Mr. Shin answers.

"How did you find out that Ryujin is a descendant of Kludde?" I ask. I know he didn't confirm it but I think she is.

"I actually don't know if it's Ryujin who I'm looking for" he says.

I look at him in disbelief, "What!?"

"You didn't let me finish. I don't know if she really is who I'm looking for but the protectors showing up confirms it. Or they maybe heard that I'm there watching someone so they think it is her?so I guess in the end I still don't know but why would the witch put a curse on me? Maybe that really is their daughter so it's only natural for them to protect her" he rambles.

"In conclusion, you really don't know if Ryujin is really the last descendant of Kludde?" I ask.

"No I guess not" he says.

"Okay, how did you find out that there's one still alive?" I ask.

"My wolf. He senses it. It was brief but he knew right away" he says.

"Why would your wolf know? How are you connected to this last descendant dad? Why are you looking for them?" Yuna asks curiously.

"Alpha, we found Ryujin" Jisu barges in not giving a chance for Mr. Shin to answer Yuna's questions.

"Where? How?" I ask walking closer to Jisu.

"Her friends. She must have told them where she's staying. They went to visit and I followed them. I was really worried for Ryujin so I knew following her friends would lead me to her" Jisu answers.

"Good job, Jisu. Where are they staying?" I ask.

"Do you want the good news or the bad news first?" She asks.

"Good news" I say.

"She healed pretty quick but you did break her arm" she says.

"Bad news."

"Uhhh she's staying at the coven so she's surrounded by witches and there's no way we can go near her meaning, we can't protect her and more importantly, you can't apologize to her" she says.

I frown, "Why would I apologize to her?"

"You almost killed her?" She says in a questioning tone.

"Like you said she's healing quickly. The witches must be helping so she's fine" I say.

She rolls her eyes and leaves.

"Alpha Yeji. Thank you for welcoming us here but my dad and I should leave" Yuna bows to me before leaving.

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