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Yeji pov

We're currently watching Ryujin being attacked by my warriors. Chaeyoung and Mina are here along with her witch parents and Ryujin's mom.

My warriors set to attack Ryujin then I notice her eyes are different. She still has her amber eyes but it has a red tint now.

"What's happening?" I ask when my warriors stop attacking Ryujin and they're looking around like they can't see her.

"She must have blinded them" Ryujin's mom say.

"What? She has that ability?" I ask.

"It's not a translupine ability. It's a Kludde ability" Mina shares.

"How does she have that? You don't, why would she have the power of your ancestor" I ask my mate's mom. I thought that's weird because modern werewolves now days don't have the powers their ancestors once possessed. It's become obsolete.

"I don't know" she says.

"Can you block that power?" I ask Sana and Jinyoung.

"We can try" Jinyoung says.

"You can't" The short cub interrupts.

"But we can" Mina continues.

Before I could ask, they start doing something and my warriors are back to attacking Ryujin.

Throughout this whole thing, my wolf is feels like she's being tortured. She keeps whimpering.

'I won't let our mate get hurt' I tell her.

'They're very angry' she says.

'I've never sense them that angry' she adds.

I continue watching and my warriors are back to being blinded but this time they're attacking each other?

"What's happening now?" I ask.

"I'm really not sure" Mina says.

Jo is ready to attack them.

'Stop!'  I say through mindlink.

'They're part of the pack. This was staged' I continue.

Lucy and I can sense her anger. Now, I don't think this was a good idea. I suddenly feel guilty, which is very rare for me.

She shifts back to her human form start walking back to the house. A part of me feels guilty and another part of me is unhappy because she's walking away naked while there's others around.

"Ryujin! Wait!" I shout at but she ignores me.

I run after her then grab her arm. I spin her around to face me.

She tries to break free from my grip but she's not strong enough. Suddenly, I can't feel her anymore. I watch my hand just go through her arm and my eyes widen. I know she has that ability that to actually experience is a different feeling.

"Ryujin. It was to see what other powers you have" i try to explain to her.

"Don't talk to me. I'm going to my room" she spits out with pure anger in her tone.

"Ryujin come on" I grab her again then she turns around, slapping me. I'm about to slap her back but I control myself. She's angry so i try to understand. I don't want to hurt her any more than I already have. I watch as she stares at her hand in disbelief, probably expecting me to hurt her back.

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