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Ryujin pov

After the conversation with the High Priestess, I went back to my room. What kind of monster am I? The way they were acting makes it seem like I'm this awful monster that's out for blood.

Maybe I am just a burden to my parents. Would it be better if leave? Being with them can put them into danger. Maybe if I didn't exist, they would live a normal life.

As I contemplate my whole existence, my thought goes to another topic. I don't think the medication that the High Priestess gave me is working as well. My body temperature keeps rising randomly, my bones would ache for no reason and I would get a painful migraine.

When it gets really bad, my parents would usually have to give me a shot to put me to sleep. Sometimes I feel like I'm an animal.

I'm currently laying in bed just listening to music. It usually helps calm me down but today, it's not working. The voice in my head is really fighting hard to come out.

The burning feeling in my body is back and so is the ringing in my ears. My heart starts beating fast. I go to the bathroom to splash my face with cold water. I keep my eyes close while I walk. Surprisingly, I haven't bumped into anything.

I open my eyes when I got to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror, sweating. I lean close because I thought my eyes is a different color. I'm shock to my find that they're not brown anymore. I've seen this amber eyes before but it usually goes away after I blink but this time it's not. I blink multiple times but it's not going away.

I try to turn on the sink because I'm just tired and I need to wake myself up. I keep trying to grab for the faucet but nothing is happening.

I look down, "Am I ghost? Am I dead?" I ask myself. I try to turn on the faucet again but every time my hand would just pass through it.

What the hell is happening to me? I turn to the door and see that's it's closed. I don't remember opening or closing the door. How did I get in here?

I step closer to it and try to touch the knob, just like with the faucet, my hand just passes through the knob.

I start panicking, why can't I touch things? Am I just a spirit now? When did I die? But how can I feel pain if I'm dead? Does being dead give you amber eyes? So many questions but none are answered.

I step through the door and I couldn't believe it. I'm not in the bathroom anymore. I literally just passed through a solid object.

I look at my hands, maybe I'm not dead. Maybe I'm a superhero but my parents think I'm gonna lose control and hurt someone. Then I must be a villain.

The pain in my head comes back and I collapse on the floor. "Mom!" I yell out. "Dad! Help me!"

My door opens and my parents rush in. "Ryujin, what are you feeling?" I hear my mom asks. I open my eyes to look for them but they quickly take a step back when they saw my eyes.

"My head hurts" I cry.

I see my mom's hand go near me but nothing happens. "What do we do?"I hear her panic.

My dad stands back trying to think, "I honestly don't know. It's never gone this far."

"I won't hurt you. Just make the pain go away" I beg.

"How are we gonna help her Jinyoung?!" My mom is now frantically crying.

"Ryujin. You need to calm down. We can't help unless you calm down. Control your breathing. Focus on your surroundings. Be aware of yourself" my dad tells me.

I honestly don't know what he meant by be aware of myself. I am aware that's why I'm in pain.

"Listen to our voices, we love Ryujin. We may not be your biological parents but we love you like our own. You care about us right? You love us? You want to take care of us? You can't let us forget you. We will support you. We will answer all your questions from now on. Just don't erase yourself from our lives" my mom says.

"Ryujin, come to us. We're not gonna forget you okay?" My dad adds.

I'm so confuse. Why do they keep saying they're not going to forget about me? We're they going to before?

I still listen though. I keep thinking about them. The promises I made myself of repaying then for raising me and for taking care of me.

I keep thinking about whenever I would get hurt, they would always be there to do help me. The nights where I can't sleep because of my nightmares, my mom would lay with me and sing me lullaby until I can fall asleep.

I think about when I first started driving. My dad would always say I'm doing a good job and my mom would nag from the back that I'm doing things wrong.

"That's right. You're doing great" my mom says. She lifts my head up from the floor and places it on her lab. She hugs me my face, crying.

"What's wrong with me?" I croak out.

"Nothing is wrong with you. Get some rest first okay? And we will explain everything when you wake up" my mom kisses my forehead.

"Am I dying?" I choke holding back my tears.

"No you're not. I promise you're not dying" my mom calmly says.

I see my dad leave to go somewhere but comes back not long after.

He's holding an injection needle. "This is going to help you sleep, okay? You need some rest. We love you, Ryujin. Always remember that. When we tell you the truth, I hope you don't hate us" my dad says.

He gives me the shot and whatever it is started working right away. I feel myself already dozing off. I can feel my mom caressing my cheek as I head to dreamland.

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