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Ryujin pov

I need to find way to convince Ms. Hwang or possibly her dad to help me. I'm not sure if I could trust them so I have to make sure I keep my translupine self hidden and being Kludde wolf.

How did I get a double whammy? Wolves want to kill me because I'm a Kludde descendant then wizards want to kill me because I'm translupine. I should write a book called 'A wolf that i thought was a fish' I thought to myself.

'Why would that be the title of your story?' Jo interrupts my thought.

'Because of the tilapia incident' I answer.

'Now let me focus. I have to somehow talk to Ms. Hwang without contacting her' I say.

'Why do you keep calling her Ms. Hwang? Just call her by her name.'

'Well... I don't really know her first name' I admit.

'How do you not know?' She asks not believing it.

'Do you know? You said that you were aware of everything. Do you know her name?' I defend myself.

Jo didn't answer me after. I smile knowing I won against her. I didn't know wolves have such dynamic personalities.

In the middle of my brainstorming, I feel goosebumps on my arm and hair on my neck are standing.

'Our mate is here' Jo says.

'What? How do you know?' I ask.

'Focus on your sense of smell. Take a deep breath and smell your surroundings' she instruct.

I close my eyes and really try to focus on my smelling action. I take a deep breath, at first I smell nothing then it finally hit me. I sense Jo getting excited but controlling herself as well because she knows we can't just approach my mate.

"Soap and peaches" I whisper.

"What's soap and peaches" my mom walks into my room.

"The scent of my mate. They're nearby. It smells so amazing. Almost soothing. Can you fall in love with a scent?" I ask my mom while looking up slightly pretending to have a monologue.

"Stop with your theatrical drama. I know you're planning something so share it with me" she says sitting on my bed.

"I'm thinking about asking the Hwangs for help, my bosses. I know they're werewolves but they might help me. Mr. Hwang really likes and cares for me. I'm sure he will take my side" I say.

I walk to my window to look outside and I see the man that's been watching us but this time someone else is with him.

'Should we try to get closer and test our stealthiness?' I ask Jo.

'Let's do it!' She seems excited.

I walk out the back door because I didn't want them to see me. I go around but still keeping my distance and keep myself well hidden.

I finally get close enough and all I smell is soap and peaches. I see that it's Ms. Hwang. Why is she here? Why is she watching me? Does she know what I am? Is she one of the wolves who wants to kill me? .

'Mate' Jo growls.

'Calm down doggy. What do you mean mate?' I ask.

'She's our mate? Do you not feel it?'

'No. I guess I'm too focus on the smell' I say.

'Wait, what? Ms. Hwang is my mate? Nooooo. She seems so mean. Can't we request for a new one?' I ask.

'It doesn't work that way' Jo says.

I quietly go back to the house. I can't believe Ms. Hwang is my mate. I mean she's sexy and all but she might hurt me.

I suddenly got an idea I want to try. My parents said I can walk through solid objects  so I want to test it out.

I stand in front my door, shaking my arms and legs. I take a deep breath. I can do this.

"I'm a ghost" I whisper and run towards my door.

I swear I think i saw my life flash before my eyes when I hit that door. Why did I think this is a good idea?

'Jo why didn't we pass through?' I ask.

'Sorry that was all me. I lost concentration when you suddenly said I'm a ghost' she laughs at me.

'It was my inspiration' I seriously say.

'Why don't we try something small? Like seeing if your hand will pass a small object?' Jo suggest.

'Thank you for suggesting this when a bump is already forming on my forehead' I scoff.

So that's we did. I would make an attempt to grab my pillow and my hand just go through it. This is so cool.

'Translupines are also known as invisible wolves but we're not actually invisible. It just seems like that because of our stealth ability' Jo suddenly say.

'How do you know that?' I ask.

'Remember the voice I was talking about. Those were one of the things they said. It's like they knew what we truly are' she says.

'What if they're the protectors?'

'Ryujin, you have to connect yourself to me the way I connected myself to you. That way we will know what each other is feeling. We have to become one' she says.

'I'm sorry but this is still new to me.'

'My point is, the voice is different. They dont seem mad or angry. If anything, it seems they long for us' she says.

'So this voice knows us. Maybe they can help us' I say.

'But I don't know how to find them. If they're even in the same country as us. I don't even know how they were able to communicate with me.'

'I guess we will start with Ms. Hwang. Let's take a few days of trying to get accustomed to myself and connect with you then I'll ask my mom if we can go out and see if Ms. Hwang would follow us' I suggest.

My wolf didn't reply to me. Rude, I thought. Then I remember I'm a werewolf and Ms. Hwang is my mate. She doesn't seem to like me, would she accept me? Jo says we can reject our mate and the broken bond is more painful than a broken heart. Will I be okay? Meeting Ms. Hwang is suddenly making me nervous. If she can't sense I'm her mate, maybe I can get her to fall for me naturally then reveal I'm her mate.

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