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Collinsport, October 12th, 2021

‘So, what’s so special about this house?’ the estate agent asks me. 

‘It’s special because it has history,’ I tell her.

'What do you mean, history?’ she asks.

‘It was built in the eighteenth century,’ I tell her. ‘By a very wealthy family, the Collins family.’

‘I see,’ she tells me. ‘Well, I’d like to see more of it. Could you show me the rooms?’

I show her all the rooms and I tell her something about it. In all details.

‘How do you know all this?’ she asks.

‘Uh… H-history class,’ I stammer. She doesn't have to know the true reason of all my knowledge.

‘Ah,’ she responds. ‘Well, I’d like to put it for sale.’

‘NO!’ I tell her. ‘I’m not selling it! This house is my everything!’

‘Sheesh, why are you so attached to a house?’

If you knew that, you’d freak out and run away from me, I think to myself.

‘Well, that was an interesting tour. Well, I’d like to put it for sale. When you’re not interested anymore. Oh, and one more question…’

She points to the painting above the fireplace. ‘Who’s that?’

Oh no. Not THAT question!

'That’s…’ I stammer. ‘T-that is…’

‘Well? Who?’

I tear up and begin to cry. 

‘No,’ I sob.


‘Just no,’ I respond and I run outside. I get right to the fountain and I splash water onto my face.

Why did that BITCH have to ask right THAT fucking question? 

I don’t want to, but everything comes back. But I know oh so well who that man in the painting is. 

Oh boy, do I. I miss him. I miss him so much.

But he’ll never get back. He’s dead. I saw it happen. I witnessed it with my own eyes. 

Why did he leave me here? He knew I couldn’t live without him! But he chose his true love over me. 

He was my everything. He was the only one who understood me. Who could always cheer me up. Who was patient with me when I couldn’t understand French. He saw me, and he always had attention for me, even though mother and father loved him more than me. 

I don’t want it, but it all starts playing in my head again, like a movie.


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