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We were at another ball. We went to ball after ball. Most of them were all the same, Barnabas would make out with nearly all the girls, he’d get totally wasted and he’d fall asleep while walking. 

Barnabas was the most handsome man I’d ever seen. If I’m honest, I’ve always been in love with him, ever since I was a little girl. But when I was fifteen, I realized it for myself. I’d secretly stare at him. His dark brown hair, his brown eyes, his lovely full lips, his slightly tanned skin. He was perfect in my eyes. He came straight out of Heaven for me. 

That moment, that one moment, after that night out… That was when it hit me. That dream… Those tickles I felt when I saw Barnabas the next day… It was like Cupid shot his arrow straight through my heart. 

My heart began to beat violently and the temperature rose a few degrees, or so it seemed. What a handsome man he was! 

He’d always tell me what he did with those girls in all details. I didn’t show that his stories hurt me or made me sickeningly jealous. I couldn’t hold myself in once and I nearly kissed him on the mouth. He noticed it. ‘What the…’ 

‘Oops, wrong side,’ I saved myself from it. 

‘Oh, okay,’ he said with a beautiful smile. His teeth were perfectly straight and whiter than the most shining diamond I’d ever seen. 

I told my diary all my fantasies. About wanting to kiss his lips, tasting them, feeling them. About my desires to date or marry him and about my nasty fantasies. My desire of losing my virginity to him, to be deflowered by him. To feel him inside me. 

I tried to unwittingly look at his crotch. But I never got a glimpse of that one thing I wanted to see so badly. I also dreamed about seeing his chest. I’d never have thought that all those wishes would be fulfilled three years later.

I tried to tell him, but he didn’t seem to understand. 

One day, a lady came up to me and said: ‘I’m gonna compliment you.’

‘For what?’

‘Your brother is very handsome. The most handsome man I’ve ever seen.’

‘Yeah, right?’ I sighed very deeply. It was a dreamy sigh.


‘I think he’s handsome too…’ I said. 

‘You have all the right to think so. You look like him, my dear.’

‘What?’ I asked.

‘You guys have the same hair color and eye color.’

‘Hm,’ I responded. ‘Isn’t he amazing?’ I let out another dreamy sigh.

Barnabas was talking to some of his friends. He threw his head back and laughed. His laugh sounded like music to my ears.

I breathed in deeply and went to him. 

He enthusiastically greeted me. ‘Hey, Venus!’ He put his arm around me. 

We talked all evening. Barnabas then wanted to smoke and I went along with him. I was sitting in his lap while he smoked. He tried not to blow the smoke in my face. I found him even cooler while smoking. He was a hunk, everything was beautiful and hot about him to me.

‘Barney?’ I asked.

‘Hm?’ he responded. 

‘Are you happy?’

‘Of course I am, my dear. Why the question?’

‘Just asking. Because… I’m not. Not completely.’

‘Why not?’ Barnabas asked.

‘Are you truly happy, Barney?’

‘I think I am. When is a human happy?’

‘Ehm… When you’ve got everything you wanted?’ I asked.

‘In that case, yes, I am happy. I’ve got loving parents, a very sweet sister who is more like a best friend to me, we’re healthy, we’re rich, we’ve got everything we could wish for… And you?’ 

He took a drag on his cigarette.

‘Hm, I think I’m happy too. I’ve got you… My big brother. Did I ever tell you that I idolize you? You’re my hero. I wouldn’t know what to do without you.’

‘And I wouldn’t know what to do without you either,’ Barnabas responded. He pressed his cigarette out on a pillar. 

‘Barney!’ I gasped.

‘What? They won’t even notice.’ he then put his arms around me and hugged me close to him. One of his hands was laying right above my boobs. I tried not to freak out. 

‘I love you,’ Barnabas whispered and he gave me a kiss. His lips felt warm on my cold cheek.

‘I love you too,’ I whispered back while looking at him madly in love.

‘You’re beaming,’ he whispered.

‘I’m so happy with you,’ I whispered. ‘You’re my best friend, Barnabas.’

‘You’re one of my best friends too,’ he responded and he began to massage my neck. I totally relaxed and it made me sigh. He smiled.

Then mom and dad came onto us, ruining the moment. They were tired and went back to our hotel. Barnabas and I stayed for a little longer. Barnabas lit up another cigarette.

I looked at him blowing the smoke up into the air. How the fuck could he do that without coughing?

He suddenly put his cigarette in front of my face. ‘Wanna try?’

‘No, I don’t smoke,’ I replied. But then, Barnabas’ fingers gently ran along my lips, making me shiver. I tried to take a drag, but I immediately began to cough. 

Barnabas blew the smoke in my face. It tickled my nose and I sneezed.

‘Bless you,’ he told me.


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