Final Chapter

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The time has come: this is the end of Blood Ties. I hope you’ll enjoy this final chapter. I even adapted a request of one of my readers!


Collinwood Manor, January 2nd, 2022

Everyone is talking about "that albino guy who dates the gorgeous girl from that weird house". Barnabas barely dares to go outside anymore. He's been bombarded by the men in town, who scolded him for being ugly, weird and poetic.

But I'm also in a bad condition. I’ve been having the same dream for the whole week. Or, should I say, the same nightmare.

I dream about my own death. Or, better said, my own murder. I was killed by a faceless creature who bit my neck. The creepiest thing of all is that it feels very real. Too real.

And last night it got worse. The creature now spoke to me in Barnabas' voice. He whispered: 'That's not how you treat your Lord Collins …' before biting me. 

And when I looked up, I saw that my killer was none other than Barnabas. I screamed hysterically before he bit me again. He threw me on the ground and tried to choke me. He had so much hatred in his eyes, it was so scary. 

Then I woke up screaming hysterically. 

Barnabas fell out of bed. 'Jesus! Venus! What the fuck?'

'Sorry, I had a nightmare…' I whispered. I told him about my nightmare.

'I would never kill you,' he whispered before leaning in and kissing me. He then slipped inside of me and started to fuck me. He looked into my eyes all the while. I forgot about my dream for a moment and only focused on his hard cock inside of me.

But now, the townspeople are gossiping again. People have been disappearing around town. I'm the only one who knows who did that. But no way in hell I will betray Barnabas.

I went out to get some groceries. I hear the men talking to each other. It's clear who they're talking about.

'That albino guy must die. I don’t like him.'

'Sssh, that's his girlfriend!'

'So what? She's better off with me. He's ugly and weird. I'm gonna kill him and then blame HER for it.'

'Hahaha, how did you plan that out? He's a vampire! Vampires can’t be killed that easily!' 

I stop in my tracks and hide behind a wall to listen to them.

'I've already planned it out. I'm gonna give him an injection.'


'One of my friends is a scientist and he designed an injection that is meant to change people's behavior temporarily. I'll make him attack her and when the injection is worked out, and when he's at his weakest… BOOM!'

Oh no, Barnabas needs to know this! I rush home. 

Barnabas comes to me as soon as I come in. I rush to him and kiss him.

'Barnabas, you need to watch out for those men. They have a macabre plan.'

'What do you mean, Venus?' He asks.

'They're gonna kill you, Barney! You're gonna die if you don’t listen to me!' I nearly scream.

'Who, Venus? Who's gonna kill me?'

'The men that constantly flirt with me. Remember them?'

'Oh yes, those nasty ass perverts.' Barnabas scrunches up his face.

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