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I remember noticing the changes in my body as I got older. Barnabas was not even awkward with teaching me all about it. 

'What about you, Barney?' I asked. 'Did you also notice changes in your body?'

'Alright, you’re old enough to know. Yeah.'

'Like what?' I asked.

He told me about his chest getting broader and I bursted into laughter when he mentioned his dick getting longer.

I tried to forget about my feelings for Barnabas. But I never did. 

Josette and him seemed to grow closer with the day. I saw them laughing and joking around together. Barnabas saw me staring quite often and he tried to take me into account. He made me join them on everything they did. Josette also tried to build a bond with me. I was her boyfriend's sister after all. 

I really liked her, but I couldn’t accept that she was together with MY true love. Barnabas was MINE! That bitch had to stay away from Barnabas! But I would never say that.

When Barnabas proposed to her, I thought of all those times I asked him to marry ME. But he was not marrying me. He was marrying HER. It was so unfair. 

But I made a painting for them as a present. It was a painting of them kissing. I had carefully put my initials on it and wrote: "Congratulations" at the top of it.

They were very happy with my painting. 

'My god, Venus! Thank you!' Barnabas gave me a big hug.

Josette was speechless. 'Did you really paint this all by yourself? It's so beautiful!' 

Barnabas kissed her. I looked away. 

But when we were alone again, Barnabas also gave me a kiss on my lips. He told me that he’d always love me. But I didn't trust him in that anymore.

After our "date", Barnabas and I got back home through the woods. Barnabas was so drunk that he could barely stand on his legs. I supported him. 

A bird was whistling in a tree. 

'Barnabas, listen… that's a nightingale,' I whispered.

A few moments later, I said: 'Barnabas, do you hear that? That's a blackbird!'

'You're such an intelligent young lady,' he responded. 'Thanks for taking me, Venus. I really feel so much better.'

'Your secret admirer will show up,' I told him. 'Just be patient.'

'I hope she looks like you. Because you are one of the most beautiful girls I know.'

My stomach turned and I felt butterflies. How wonderful it was to be in love.

I tried to kiss him once more, but he wouldn’t let me. He was tired and wanted to go home.

I didn’t go outside anymore after I fought with a man. He made fun of Barnabas and that caused me to snap. Fortunately, I wasn’t the only one. Some people stuck up for Barnabas ánd for me.

'Guys, I must say I'm glad that that brat of a son of the Collins family is dead,' he said. 


'Because he was stealing the girls from me. He always had to be better with his big dick.'

I thought of Barnabas being inside of me and shivered.

'You know that he's not dead, right?' One of his friends said.

'Oh yeah, he's a vampire. But he's hidden away well.'

'I'm worried about Venus though,' someone else said. 'She's never going outside anymore. She can’t process what happened. She must miss Barnabas really badly.'

'Well, I don't miss him. I'm glad we hid him. He's gone for good, haha!' He threw his head back and laughed hysterically.

'Eh, I think you should watch out for your words,' one of his friends who had just noticed me said. 

He turned around, saw me and fell silent.

'Hey, Venus,' he said uncomfortably. 'You're Barnabas' little sister.'

'Yes.' That's all I said..

'Aren’t you glad that your brother is dead? I knew you were jealous of him. You always followed him like a fucking lapdog.' He spat.

I did it before I knew it. I punched him in the face. 

'Bitch!' He yelled furiously.

'Stupid motherfucker!' I yelled back. 'Don't talk shit about my beloved Barney!' I nearly cried out of rage.

I was pulled away from him.

'Let me go!' I screamed hysterically.

My sight became blurry and I could only listen to conversations.

'That poor girl. She needs help.'

'Yes. Pfff, she won't stop crying at times.'

'Have some respect, she’s lost her brother! He was her best friend!'

'Then tell her.'

'Are you crazy? Then she'll go and look for him! And if she finds him, he'll take revenge on us all…'

'She deserves the truth. I'm gonna tell her.'

'No! Oh, you’re horrible!'

'She's broken! She needs to see him.'

'But he'll bite and kill her!'

'I don't think so. You saw how much he loved his little sister.'

I fainted. Someone caught me. I turned to look at the person who did. I was surprised to see two very familiar brown eyes.


There he was! Now that I wasn’t hoping for him to visit me!

He was covered in some sort of gold dust. He was still dressed in the same outfit as a few months ago. He was beautiful.

'Barnabas…' I whispered.

'You look terrible, my dear Venus.' He spoke to me.

I began to cry. 'Stop pretending that you’re dead!'

'I am dead, my dear. But I'm here for you.'

I gave him a big hug. 

'I miss you,' I whispered softly.

'Let me take you back home,' he whispered.

I couldn’t control myself and I grabbed his face and kissed him firmly.

I felt his soft lips and pressed myself against his warm body. He kissed me back and gently stroked my cheek.

'I love you,' I whispered to him.

'I love you too.' Barnabas leaned in to whisper in my ear.

'I missed you, my love,' he whispered in my ear.

Then he disappeared.

'No! No, come back! Goddamnit!' I screamed.

I looked around and was surprised. I was in my bedroom! How did I get here?

I laid in bed and snuggled myself in the covers. I dreamed about Barnabas.

Blood Ties (A Sick Shit Barnabas X OC Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now