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A long time ago, when we were still affectionate together, we once accidentally kissed in public. That was not really handy. But, nobody talked about it, since I was invisible again.

But it was a really nice kiss. He started it and I immediately went into it. Oh, if our parents would’ve seen this! He cupped my face to kiss me deeper. He kissed me with so much passion, like I was his true love. Which I wasn’t. Or, now he claims I was. Am. Was.

So… Some other diary fragments.

Today, Barnabas wanted me to go out with him. Mom and dad are on a business trip, so… Some guys offered us cigars again. Barnabas immediately lit one. I was sitting in his lap while he smoked.

Then, a girl came onto him, but he refused to dance with her. ‘Can’t you see I’m here with my girl?’

My girl. He called me his girl!

Today, Barnabas was very needy. I woke up and he immediately climbed on top of me. He blew on my face. 

‘Good morning, sleepyhead,’ he whispered before giving me a kiss.

‘Good morning,’ I groaned, still half asleep. 

‘Oh, you’re not awake yet, huh? Well, let me wake you up.’ he gave me a dark smirk. Then, I felt him taking off my underwear. He buried his head between my legs, causing me to moan out. ‘B-Barney…’

‘You’re wet,’ he responded. 

‘Oh my god! Oh my g-’ I moaned as he started to lick me.

‘Ssh, ssh. They can hear you.’

‘F-fuck…’ I moaned. 

He kept on doing this until I climaxed. I screamed out. 

‘Fuck, Barney…’ I sighed.

‘You’re awake now, huh?’ 


‘Open your mouth.’

I did. He took his dick out and shoved it inside my mouth without any warning. ‘Suck.’

I did so, and he started to finger me. 

‘Fuck, Venus…’ he groaned. ‘You’re so good at this. Take it all in.’

I tried so. He was too big.

‘You’re too big,’ I spoke. It sounded muffled.

‘What?’ he pulled out of my mouth.

‘You’re too big.’

‘Oh. Well, just continue. I don’t want you to choke.’ He put his finger under my chin and kissed me. With tongue and all.

He rubbed the head of his dick up against my lips. 

‘It’s wet,’ I blurted out. ‘It’s warm. And… soft.’

‘Ahhw,’ he cooed at me. ‘Such a rookie. I like your innocence.’ he kissed me again. 

I continued to suck his dick while he continued to finger me. 

We both climaxed at the same time. Barnabas growled in my ear, which sounded sexy as hell.

‘We’re not done yet,’ he whispered. He flipped me over and forced himself inside of me. 

‘Oh no, not this!’ I said. ‘Not this! Ouch, don’t do that…’

‘Oh, sorry, wrong hole,’ he responded. I laughed.

We made love like two caged animals. All our clothes were coming off. 

‘We’re like fucking animals!’ I said when we were done. We were playing with each other’s fingers.

Then, there was a loud knock on his door.

‘Mr Collins? It’s time for your bath!’

He quickly hopped into his robe. ‘Quickly, go get dressed!’ he ordered me. 

We were just kissing and joking around.  Barnabas gave me a few kisses and then a very long kiss. Real long, like half a minute. He wasn’t bathing yet.

‘Barney!’ I giggled. ‘Go take your bath!’

‘I wish you would join me…’ he smirked, took off his robe and got into the tub. 

He splashed water in my face. 

‘Hey! Don’t do that! You fucker!’ 

‘That’s not very nice… I just made you feel good and now you’re gonna…’

We had a whole discussion about our lovemaking that just had happened and it ended up in a very heated kiss.

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