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I went outside and now I’m just walking through the woods while Billie Eilish sings into my headphones.

Then, I pass a construction site. There are some workmen working on something.

And the other moment, they begin to scream in panic. I hide behind a truck and turn off my music. What is going on here? 

I can see an odd figure grabbing the workmen one by one. My god, am I witnessing a crime?

Then, I hear a voice which causes me to nearly faint in shock.

‘I’m terribly sorry. But you cannot imagine how thirsty I am.’ The man then bites into the worker’s neck.

‘My god… a vampire,’ I whisper to myself. But then, it hits me again.

That voice… It can’t be. I can feel myself tearing up and I bite on my trembling lip. There’s only one voice who sounds like this. No, it can’t be. I must be dreaming…

I blink my eyes, but he’s still there. I squeeze my arm as hard as I can, with no result. No, I’m not dreaming…

‘Barney?’ I say in disbelief. 

He turns around and looks at me. ‘Who are you?’

He’s way paler and he’s got darker hair, but he still has those lovely full lips and those lovely eyes. There are no eyes that I know better than his. There’s blood dripping from his mouth.

Oh my god.

No, it can’t be. Barnabas is dead, remember? my mind speaks.

No, it’s definitely him. Or he must have a vampire Doppelganger. 

‘Barney…’ I repeat. A tear falls down my cheek. 'Don't you remember me? It's me!' 

He gets closer to me. He then speaks, dumbfounded: ‘Venus? How did you get here?’

He throws the worker’s lifeless body against a power board and gets over to me.

My god, it IS him. It is Barnabas, without a doubt. That woman from my dream kept her promise after all.

‘Oh my god, Barnabas! I thought you were dead!’ I cover my mouth. 

‘I’m not dead,’ he responds. ‘I’ve never been. How did you know that I was buried here?’

‘Barney!’ I begin to cry. I rush over to him and wrap my arms around him. ‘Barney…’

‘Ssh, my dear. Ssh,’ he soothes me. ‘There there, my dear Venus. Ssh.’

‘I missed you so much,’ I sob. ‘Do you know how long I’ve been thinking that you were dead? Three fucking centuries!’

‘What? What year is it?’ he asks me.

‘2021.’ I respond

‘2021?’ he repeats. I nod.

‘What? Aren’t you supposed to be dead?’ he asks.

‘I was turned immortal by some ghost or something. Oh, I missed you!’

‘I missed you too,’ he whispers. ‘It was so lonely down there.’

I won't let him go. We’re standing like that for minutes, in a close embrace.

‘I failed to keep our business afloat,’ I sob. ‘I’m so sorry… I’m a total failure.’ I can't stop crying, all my sadness over the past centuries comes out.

‘Oh, Venus…’ he whispers. 

‘I love you, Barney… I love you!’ I sob.

‘Ssh, I love you too, my dear.’ Barnabas starts giving me kisses everywhere in my face. It somehow calms me down. 

Blood Ties (A Sick Shit Barnabas X OC Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now