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Another night, I immediately ran away when the voices started taunting me again.

'Oh, Venus... if there only was someone who loved you, huh?'

'Fuck off, asshole!' I screamed. I then opened my door and ran to Barnabas' bedroom.

'Barnabas is asleep, Venus!' I heard behind me. But I opened the door and snuck inside.

Barnabas was asleep indeed. And very deep. He was snoring softly.

I shook his shoulder. 'Barnabas! Wake up! They're gonna get me! Help me!'

'What the fuck?' He growled. 'Can't you damn servants just let me sleep... Venus? What's wrong, my dear?'

'They're gonna get me... They're gonna make me kill myself...'


'Them,' I whispered.

'Oh, my dear... This is the umpteenth time you're hallucinating!'

I began to cry hysterically. 'I can't stop them, Barnabas. I'm so scared.'

Barnabas patted the place next to him in bed and motioned for me to sit down.

I sat down, but Barnabas gently pushed me down. He made me get into his bed and pulled the covers over us. His body felt very soft and warm and he began to stroke my hair. I just cried.

I then realized he was half naked. I began to stroke his chest. He had muscles, not normal. I could hear him chuckle.

He gently stroked my cheek. My tears dripped onto his fingers.

'You need to relax, my love. Ssh,' he whispered.

My love. Again that lovely nickname.

'Breathe in and out deeply, Venus. Calm down.'

I tried it.

'Yeah, like that. Right.' He whispered. 'What did "they" say to you?'

I told him everything.

'Don't listen to "them", Venus. You're a very beautiful, sweet and smart girl,' he whispered. He breathed in my ear.

'And you're hot,' he whispered into my ear.

'You are too,' I whispered.

I then felt something poking at me. Barnabas undid his pants and took his dick out. He was rock hard.

'Suck me,' he whispered.

I obeyed. He started to cum in the back of my throat. He pulled out and squirted the rest onto my shoulders and lips. Some got right above my boobs. I gave him a seductive - at least, I hoped it was that - smile, took it on my finger and licked it off. Barnabas gave me a dark smirk. He then started to jerk off.

'You're so fucking amazing,' I whispered.

'And you're so fucking delicious,' he praised me. 'I'm gonna shove me into that nice and wet cunt of yours,' he whispered.

'Do it,' I whispered. 'I'm all yours.'

'You sure are mine. Your body belongs to me only. Do you understand?' He whispered.

'Like I would ever DARE to fuck some other guy, Barney. I love you... I want you to be my husband! Marry me!'


'Marry me, Barnabas. Then we can do more than...'

'Trust me, my love. If we'd be married I'd fuck you even harder. I'd destroy your cunt. So, this is better for you.'

'No... Do you really think that way?'

He began to laugh loudly. 'Look at her face! Haha, I got you good! Oh, what a joke!' (A/N: Barnabas you fucking son of a bitch LMAO)

'Barnabas! That's not funny! Stop it!'

'Hey, don't be upset, my dear. Kiss me,' he whispered.

I obeyed and kissed him. It was sweet and passionate this time. I felt like the happiest girl alive.

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