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I also remember Barnabas finding some of my drawings of him. He came into my room, where I was sitting on my bed. He locked the door behind us and he pulled me up and started to kiss me. It was a very heated kiss, it gave me the shivers. I put my hands on his face. Barnabas wrapped his arms around my waist and started to grind on me. 

How could he be so perfect? I ran my hand through his hair and over his face. Barnabas leaned in and kissed me again, softer this time. I melted in his arms. 

I don’t know why I suddenly did that, but I whispered: 'Je t'aime.' 

Barnabas growled in my ear as a response. 

'Oh god, marry me! Marry me!' I nearly screamed. 

We got into my bed and we fucked until I couldn’t anymore. God, I fucking loved it. He had such a big dick, it felt so good. 

'Fuck yes! Fuck me,' I yelled.

'Then go suck him,' Barnabas whispered in my ear. 

There was a knock at my door. I gasped and quickly fixed my hair and my sheets. Barnabas quickly got to my desk.

I unlocked my door as unnoticeable as possible and opened it. I was told to go for a walk with Binky. 

Binky cheerfully ran around. I pulled the hood of my cloak over my head. I became one with the darkness. 

I grabbed a stick and then undid Binky's leash. I threw the stick away and Binky ran after it, barking loudly. He wagged his tail.

When he returned, I put his leash back on and walked back home. 

I tried everything I could to get Barnabas' attention. Once I plucked flowers for him and gave them to him.

Barnabas was annoyed by me, but his expression softened when he saw the flowers.

'Oh, are those for me? Thank you!' He put them in a vase and gave me a hug. He smelled wonderful. 

After our parents' passing, Barnabas suddenly got obsessed with dark magic. I didn’t quite understand why, but he was always busy studying that. 

The doctor had told me to follow some art classes so I could develop my creativity. But I didn’t want to; I wanted to spend time with my beloved Barney.

I got over to him and wrapped my arms around him. 'Hey, Barney.'

He turned around. 'Oh, it’s you.' He smiled.

I smiled back. We were slowly getting over our parents' death. We laughed again and we started to enjoy life again.

Barnabas sat down on a chair. Caesar jumped onto his lap and he started to pet him. Caesar began to purr satisfiedly. 

'Sweet cat,' Barnabas said while stroking Caesar's head. He meowed. 

I got a brush and brushed Caesar's fur. 

Barnabas hugged him. 'You're so fluffy, my god!' 

I laughed at his enthusiasm. 

I felt it in my stomach. I was still in love with Barnabas.

We tried to fight it, but sometimes we couldn’t resist each other and then we ended up making out or even having sex. 

He was my soulmate. We were meant to be. Or at least, that's what I thought. 

Until he was suddenly kissing Josette in front of my eyes.

I held Caesar tightly. He was supposed to kiss ME, not her!!! I felt my jealousy coming up. 

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