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We just went to bed together. We held each other’s hand and gently stroked each other’s fingers.

I thought of my dream. I fantasized along.

He kissed me with so much passion. He then took his dick out so I could see it. It was huge. 

I touched the tip of his dick. It felt weird. It felt like jelly. It made me giggle.

'What's so funny, my love?' He asked.

I snapped back into reality. 'Nothing.'

In the morning, we were having breakfast downstairs and then Caesar jumped onto my lap. He wanted meat.

'No, Caesar. You’ll get cat food.' I told him. But Caesar got on the table and ran off with a piece of bacon in his mouth.

'That naughty fluffy rat,' Barnabas said. 'He looks like you. You also sneak food along with you.'

I threw an orange at his head. 'Shut the fuck up!' 

'Wow, don’t use violence!' Barnabas laughed. He then continued to eat his waffles.

Caesar came unto us again, meowing for food. I gave him another piece of bacon and he literally devoured it. He thankfully jumped onto my lap and started to rub his head against my face. I petted him. He began to purr satisfiedly.

Barnabas then went to swim in the lake again. I went with him. I fantasized about being a mermaid. With long hair and bigger boobs. And Barnabas was my merman. He'd come unto me and say: 'What a lovely mermaid we have here, I'm never gonna let her go.' And then he'd kiss me, deep and passionate. 

I watched as Barnabas swam around in the lake. I felt so happy. Until he started to fuck another girl right in front of me. A tear fell down my cheek. And another. And another. 

I put my head in my hands and cried. Their moans got louder and louder.

I didn’t notice Barnabas kneeling down beside me.

'Hey, Venus, what is it? Why are you crying?' He asked.

'I-I…' I sobbed.

'What's wrong, my dear?' He asked and then I really broke down in tears.

Barnabas put his arms around me and hugged me. 

'Barnabas, oh Barnabas…' I sobbed.

'Ssh,' Barnabas soothed me.

'Barnabas… I love you,' I whispered softly between my sobs.

'I love you too, my dear Venus.' He whispered.

He then took my hand and pulled me along into the lake. He was completely naked again. I clung to him.

I would have liked to slap his ass. I wanted to know how that felt. And his dick… he really had a big dick.

He still has. Oh boy. He's fucking me again now and I just can't stop cumming. I’ve already lost count of my orgasms.

Barnabas just loves it all. He likes it when I scream out in pleasure and when I beg him to go on.

He's so fucking amazing. A vampire, but MY vampire. 

I loved him. As both my brother and my true love. I wrote him a love letter and gave it to him. Without my name, of course.

Dear Barnabas,

I wrote this letter because I wanted to confess something. I can’t keep it to myself anymore. I'm madly in love with you. 

I think of you all day. Your handsome face, your sweet brown eyes, your lovely full lips,  your warm smile. Everytime you smile, I bathe in the warmth of it. I wish I could touch you.

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