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Collinwood Manor, December 15th, 2021

Barnabas isn't awake yet. But I'm wide awake. I already had breakfast and I played with Angel. I'm so bored.

I turn on the radio. There's nothing interesting playing at the stations. That is until one of my favorite songs comes on. (A/N: the song up top. It's so good sksks)

I immediately turn up the volume and sing along:

"Take your mirror off the wall
Ain't you getting bored of your reflection?
I'm tired of dodging all your calls
You wanna be the centre of attention

I'm getting sick of you now
Stop sending flowers
I'll just burn them all
And you'll cry for hours"

My voice echoes through the empty hall. I don't care if Barnabas hears it.

"Always putting me down
Well, I've got news for you
You say I'm using you now
Hey, stupid

That's rich
When it's coming from you
And that's rich
Well, I've got nothing to prove

That's rich
You think I dressed up for you
And that's rich
Bye-bye, fool"

I begin to dance around the room. I flip my hair around.

"Used to think I need your help
To feel good, turns out I do it better
Think maybe you should please yourself
Because I'm over you, I'll see you never

I'm getting sick of you now
Stop sending flowers
I'll just burn them all
And you'll cry for hours

Always putting me down
Well, I've got news for you
You say I use you now
Hey, stupid"

And the best part is yet to come. I grab a broom and play air guitar on it as I sing, or better said, scream the last part of the song:

"'Cause I don't need a lazy lover
(Now you want me?)
No, I don't wanna meet your mother
(Now you want me?)
Don't cry I'm sure you'll meet another
And you'll tell her you love her

Well, that's rich
When it's coming from you
And that's rich
Oh, I know all of your moves

That's rich
You think I've dressed up for you
And that's rich
Bye-bye, fool"

'Bravo,' I hear behind me. 'I don't know what song that was, but that was an amazing performance.'

I turn around to see Barnabas. He has a wide smile on his face.

'Uhm... Barney, how much did you see?'

'Everything,' he smirks. 'I don't know what kind of music that was, but it was a good song. Could you put it on again?'

'As you wish,' I tell him.

I also remember a day when we went out with mother and father. They gave me much more attention since that one special ball. They always asked how I was doing and if I was having a good time.

We went to the center of our village in a coach with horses. A lot of them, six to be exact. They all had their own stable and they were in good condition.

I gave them names, but no one knew about that except for Barnabas. My favorite horse was named Jackie. Jackie was a beautiful black mare with white little spots around her nose and at her sides. She made me think of a sky full of stars.

I felt a connection with her, and she probably felt the same with me, because every time she saw me, she'd immediately quit what she was doing and she'd run to me and beg me to pat her.

Jackie was already standing before the coach when we came. She recognized me and she enthusiastically pushed her snout against my arm.

I grabbed her and cuddled her. 'Good morning, cutie. How are you today?'

Jackie licked my hand in response. I saw Barnabas staring at us.

'Venus is always so nice with the horses, she's a true animal lover,' I heard father say to mother.

'Yeah, she is indeed. You can see that by the way she takes care of Caesar. Well, are you getting in or what?' she asked me.

'Yeah, sorry,' I stammered. I gave Jackie a kiss and then quickly got in.

Me and Barnabas always succeeded in being normal with each other when mother and father were near us. It was a miracle how I could forget my feelings for him at these moments.

We checked on our fishing business. Me and Barnabas were walking arm in arm.

'They're so cute together,' father said.

'Yeah. I guess God blessed us. They literally never fight.'

'Really?' someone responded. 'Néver?'

'No. They're so close, they do everything together.'

I also told mother and father that I wasn't planning on taking over the business.

'Barnabas is more suitable for that than me,' I responded when they reacted surprised.

'But you'd be successful too.'

'Mom... They don't even see me... They only see Barnabas.'

'Barnabas sees you. And we see you too.' father said.

'Are you feeling lonely?' mother asked.

That question overwhelmed me and I began to cry.

'Mom,' I sobbed and I clung onto her.

'Hey, ssh, don't cry, honey,' she whispered. She pulled me close. It was exactly what I needed.

'I don't wanna be a businesswoman,' I whispered.

'Then what?'

'It's stupid. You won't...'

'No, tell me. Whatever you say, we'll support you.'

So anyway! But why...

I sighed. 'Painter. Or a poet. Or a singer, maybe.'

'Hm, you could be an amazing singer. You've got an amazing voice.'

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