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When I returned, he was sitting on the bed. He was wearing his robe and it looked like he just took a bath. He was reading a book.

He smiled when he saw me. ‘Hey, my dear.’

‘Hi,’ I responded. ‘I miss Caesar.’

‘Yeah, I also kinda miss that fluffy rat.’

‘Don’t tell mother and father, but Caesar always sleeps on my bed,’ I told him.

‘Oh, sometimes he sleeps on my bed too,’ he told me. 

I hugged him. Yeah, he had definitely taken a bath. He smelled wonderful.

‘Hey, something else for a moment… That evening of our last ball, you said that I had such a masculine body. What did you mean with that?’

‘That was a compliment,’ I said. ‘Uh…’

‘Yeah, but why?’

‘I… Alright, I like your body!’

‘Makes sense,’ he chuckled.

‘Oh, don’t tease me with it! Now I’m ashamed!’

‘Don’t be. You’ve got a nice body as well.’

‘Me? No, I don’t. I’m… No one wants to date me or… I’m just curious about what love is like.’

‘I can teach you,’ he responded. 

‘What the fuck, Barney! We’re brother and sister!’ I gasped.

His eyes twinkled boyishly. ‘So what? I’m fed up with all those strangers. I’m longing for someone familiar.’

‘Me?’ I whispered.

‘Yes, you. I can teach you like no other.’

‘You’re asking me to…’ I started. No, this couldn’t be true. I was dreaming.

‘Yes, my dear.’ He smirked.

‘Oh…’ I was speechless. Barnabas wanted me, Venus, to be his… his… toy. Well, toy or not, I shivered with the thought of being his flirt. He’d kiss me, cuddle me… and I barely dared to think about it… he’d make love to me. 

‘Kiss me,’ Barnabas whispered. 

All I did was turn my head in his direction. He leaned in and started to kiss me. He pulled me onto his lap. I ran my fingers through his dark brown hair. It was rough, but I enjoyed it.

I looked at him madly in love. ‘Barnabas… I’m… I’m completely in lo-’

The door opened. I quickly got off of his lap. 

‘Ah, you’re already awake. The meeting will start really soon and…’

‘Fuck! I totally forgot!’ Barnabas responded.

The man asked what he was saying. 

‘Oh, I still need to get dressed and... I’ll be there in a minute,’ he said in French.

He got dressed and he sprayed his entire chest with cologne. I tried not to sniff too noticeable, but he already saw me do it. 

‘Do you like my scent, huh?’ he asked. 

‘I love it, Barney. What is it?’

‘It’s something expensive. I forgot what it was. Well, I need to hurry now. See you.’ he gave me a quick kiss on my cheek.

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