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I wrote a book about him. I named it "Barney: my life with Barnabas Collins".

I wrote all my beloved experiences in it. Except the kissing and the sex, of course. I took a few photos from my box in my bedroom and put them in it as well.

Me and Barnabas on a ball, me and Barnabas in front of our mansion, me and Barnabas hugging, Barnabas kissing my forehead with me smiling uncontrollably, me and Barnabas holding hands… pictures of us with mother and father and with Caesar.

I dedicated the book to Barnabas himself and to mother and father.

"For my beloved mother, father and my dear Barney. I love and miss you guys so much. May you all rest in peace." I wrote on the first page.

It took years of my immortal life to build the courage to take it to the press. They loved it and wanted to press it. 

I was overjoyed. 

The newspapers were also very enthusiastic. They wrote: "Venus Collins becomes a writer!" And "The Collins family's daughter brings tribute to her brother and family".

'She finally seems to be over her brother’s death,' someone said.

I'll never get over it, I thought to myself.

People asked for my autograph and a hug. I suddenly was visible to everyone. 

I felt someone placing their hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Barnabas' spirit. He smiled warmly. 

'I'm so proud of you, my dear Venus,' he said.

I gave him a hug. He hugged me back and stroked my hair. 

'I've brought someone for you,' Barnabas whispered. He pulled me along with him to our mansion.

I couldn’t believe what I saw. Mother and father were sitting on the couch in the living room. Their spirits, of course. But still them.

I bursted into tears. 'Mommy! Daddy!' I rushed to them.

'Our dear Venus, get over here,' Father said.

I hugged them and cried my heart out.

'Ssh, my dear Venus.' Mother whispered. She stroked my cheek.

'We saw that you have written a book,' Father said. 'We're so proud of you…'

'Daddy…' I sobbed. 'Mommy… I miss you guys so much…'

Barnabas joined the hug. I felt so happy. The Collins family, reunited. I cried even harder. I was so happy that I saw my beloved family again. But I also was so sad.

Mother and father hugged me close to them. I squeaked and sobbed and collapsed in their arms.

'Mommy, daddy… I hate my life. I want to die…' I sobbed.

'Ssh,' they whispered soothingly. 

They just hugged me until I was a little calm again.

'Are you okay, my dear? That was an enormous crying fit,' Father said 

'No. I'll never be okay anymore, daddy, I miss you so much!' 

They pulled me close again. Barnabas had joined again and I felt him rubbing my back.

'We love you,' mother whispered. 

Father kissed my forehead and mother did the same.

Then, I saw another spirit. It was Binky.

'Binky!' I rushed to him and gave him a big hug. Binky cheerfully licked my face and snuggled with me.

'Oh, Binky…' I cried.

Suddenly, they were gone and only Barnabas was left.

He put his finger under my chin and kissed me softly. 'Do not dismay, my dear Venus. You will make it. And we will always be in your heart.' He touched my cheek and stroked it.

'Barnabas… I wanna marry you…' I whispered.

'You can’t marry me, my love. I'm a spirit.'

Barnabas took my hand and shoved one of his rings on my finger. We then shared one last kiss. Then he disappeared. 

I woke up on the couch near the fireplace. I looked at my hand, only to see that there was nothing on it at all. I began to cry hysterically.

I had been sobbing for minutes until a servant sat down next to me and pulled me into a hug.

'Ssh, Venus.' She whispered soothingly. 'It's okay to cry… Sometimes the sadness can hit you hard again…'

'I saw him,' I sobbed. 'Mother and father… They were here! Right here! I yelled. 

'You've been dreaming…' she whispered.

'NO!' I screamed furiously and hysterically. I rushed upstairs to the bathroom. I waited until the water was rising and then pushed my head into it. I was so fed up with this. I wanted to die so bad.

I screamed, causing my mouth to get filled with water. It got in my nose and it hurt badly. But I held on. I'd be with mother and father and Barnabas again within seconds…

Suddenly, just when I was about to choke, I was pulled up. I got a hard slap on my back. I coughed and spat out water.

'What have you done? Oh, poor girl… you need help…'

'I don’t want help,' I said half-crying. 'I want my family! My parents! My beloved Barney!' Another load of water came out. 

I coughed again and she rubbed my back. She gave me a blanket and calming tea. 

The next morning I felt sick. I had a fever and I was nauseous. I got into the bathroom and was just in time to vomit. I closed my eyes. Ew.

I couldn’t stop. I felt a hand on my back. I looked around and saw Barnabas, in his robe. 

'Barnabas, I…' I couldn’t even talk, I was too nauseous. 

'Are you sick, my dear?' He asked.

I nodded. I tried not to gag, but I failed. I vomited again and Barnabas rubbed my back. 

I measured my fever. I drank some water and got back in bed. 

Barnabas stroked my sweaty forehead. 

'What happened that made you sick?' He asked.

'Yesterday. I tried to drown myself in the bath…'

'Venus…' I saw a tear rolling down his cheek. 

At that moment, I felt it again and I rushed to the bathroom to vomit again.

Blood Ties (A Sick Shit Barnabas X OC Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now