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I also remember a time when Barnabas kissed me while he was already engaged to Josette. It confused me so much. 

He had put a letter on my desk that read: “Meet me in the backyard at night”. 

So, I went there. He wasn’t there yet. I waited and waited, but he didn’t show up. Just when I wanted to leave, I heard footsteps.

‘Barnabas?’ I whispered. 

No response.

‘Barney?’ I got scared.

‘Barnabas, don’t fuck with me! Show yourself!’

‘Venus,’ I heard behind me. ‘Sorry, I got late. I… I was…’

‘With her,’ I finished for him. 

‘Yeah, sorry. She just kept on…’

‘You’re here now.’ I interrupted him. I didn’t want to hear what he did with Josette. And why was she so beautiful? Ugh. 

‘I had to go to you.’

‘Barnabas… What do you want from me?’ my voice sounded distant.

Before I knew it, I was pushed against a tree. 

‘Barnabas!’ I gasped. ‘What are you doing?’

He shut me up by putting his finger to my lips. 

Things went by fast and then, suddenly, Barnabas’ mouth had found mine in a passionate kiss. I gasped. He hadn’t kissed me like that in months. 

‘Stop,’ I said. 

‘Why?’ he whispered. 

‘You’re gonna get married. You’re engaged to another woman! What should you do with me? It’s cheating!’

‘Venus, you don’t understand. I… I love you.’

‘No, you don’t, Barney,’ I whispered.

‘Of course I do! You have to believe me! I…’

I looked at his face, which was so beautiful, so perfect, so sweet. My crush on him wasn’t over yet; my stomach turned and I felt butterflies. 

‘Venus?’ he whispered.

‘I love you too.’ I put my lips on his again. It was both passionate and wild.

‘Venus… I want to make love,’ he whispered after it.


‘I want to make love to you,’ he whispered.

‘No. No, we can’t. You’re engaged and…’

‘Please, Venus. Don’t make me beg for it…’ Barnabas whispered and he pulled me close. He then took my hand and placed it on his crotch. I gasped. He had a boner.

I could feel my body reacting to him. 

‘Barnabas… Don’t do this to me…’

God, think back of those great times! Did you forget how good his dick feels? my mind spoke. 

‘Please,’ he responded. ‘Please let me take you.’

I couldn’t resist him. Especially not when I felt him stroking my thigh. 

I moaned. ‘O-okay,’ I whispered.

I let him slip inside of me. I moaned when he started to thrust in and out of me. We rolled over and over. Barnabas bit my lips and shoulders. We were like two caged animals. 

‘Marry me,’ I moaned. ‘Don’t marry Josette. Marry ME, Barney. I want to be your wife…’

‘If I could,’ he whispered. ‘If you weren’t my sister, I would have married you in a heartbeat.’

Now he spoke out what he felt for me… Or he said this just to please me. I somehow didn’t believe it.

After four rounds, we looked at the stars together. Barnabas pressed me against his chest. I stroked his muscles. If our servants saw us now… We were both naked and our clothes were ripped off.

‘That was nice,’ I whispered.

‘I knew you’d like it,’ he responded.

We returned to our mansion, hand in hand. Barnabas then gave me one last kiss, which would be the very last. Because three months later, he jumped off that cliff.

Collinwood Manor, December 16th, 2021

Today is Barnabas’ birthday. I quickly counted the years and he turned two hundred and seventy-four today. He’s still asleep now.

I storm into his room. ‘Happy birthday, Barney!’

‘Birthday? Jesus Christ, you screamed me awake!’

‘Sorry. Happy birthday!’ I press my present in his hand.

‘What? Is it my birthday?’ he asks.

‘Yes! December 16th!’ I yell. 

‘Shit, of course!’ he responds. 

He’s been so busy with our fishing business that he forgot his own birthday. I never forgot his birthday, no matter how busy I was.

In every year of my immortal life without him, I’d light a candle on the altar on his birthday and I’d pray for him. 

I still remember the day he got me Caesar. So now I’ve bought a new kitten, just for him. Now I hope it won’t meow.

‘Is that for me?’ Barnabas asks me. Then the kitten meows. Fuck, I wanted it to be a surprise!

He gasps. ‘I heard a meow.’ He opens the box and carefully takes the kitten out of it. 

‘Oh my god! Venus! You’re crazy!’ he tells me. The kitten looks at him with its blue eyes. 

‘Oh my god, it’s so cute! What is it? A male or female?’

‘It’s a male. I picked him out for you. I thought you could use your own friend now.’ 

‘I see,’ he responds. He gently pats the kitten, who purrs softly. 

‘How you’re gonna name him?’ I ask him. ‘It’s your kitten, so you can decide his name.’

‘I think I’ll name him Joshua,’ he responds. ‘After our father.’

The kitten puts his little paws out to him and licks his face.

‘I think he likes his name,’ I tell him. 

‘Thank you,’ he whispers. He then puts Joshua on the ground and gives me a kiss.

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