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The ball wasn’t really interesting, that was until I saw someone playing on the piano. And then I saw Barnabas whispering something in his ear. He then gestured that I had to come on the stage. I obeyed him. 

He then yelled very loudly: ‘Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention?’ 

When everyone was looking at him, because he was - of course - the center of attention, he continued: ‘Do you all know my little sister?’

Someone yelled: ‘Yes!’ and someone else shouted: ‘Do you have a little sister?’ 

Sometimes I thought that no one except Barnabas even knew that I existed.

‘Yes. My little sister Venus here is an amazing singer, and she can play amazing piano. Please make her feel loved.’ he then pushed me down behind the piano. 

‘Oh no!’ I immediately told him. ‘Oh no, I’ve got stage fright!’

‘Ssh. They won’t judge you. Now go and have your moment, c’mon.’ he whispered. ‘You also deserve to be the center of attention for once.’

I took a few deep breaths and then I began to play the piano. I played a few notes and then I started singing. 

When I was done, the room boomed with applause. It made me blush. 

‘Uh, t-thank y-you,’ I stammered. I could feel tears burning in my eyes.

Barnabas saw it and he gave me a hug. Then I really started to cry. 

‘I want to be alone,’ I whispered. 

I had been staring at the sky for minutes. Then, mother and father came onto me. 

‘Venus, that was… I don’t have words for it,’ father spoke.

‘Yeah, I can do SOMETHING,’ I sneered. ‘You guys don’t even…’ I began to sob again. 

‘You… You guys only criticize me and call me a disappointment… How do you think that feels for me? That hurts! Don’t you understand? You…’ I was crying uncontrollably now. 

‘You love Barnabas more than me. You… You guys don’t love me…’

‘Venus!’ father gasped. ‘Who gave you that idea?’

‘It is completely clear to me! I’m a big disappointment! I’m not worth it to be Miss Collins!’

And then, for the first time, mother spoke to me: ‘Of course we love you, Venus. We love you just as much as we love Barnabas. It’s just… You were developing yourself and… We just…’

‘Come here,’ father said and he hugged me for the first time in my life. 

I was still sobbing softly when Barnabas came onto me. ‘Whatever are you doing outside, my dear? You’ll catch your death a cold.’ 

‘It’s… You know… I’m jealous of you.’ I didn’t tell him yet, but I was jealous of Barnabas. Very jealous. He was everything I wasn’t: good-looking, calm, caring.


I began to cry again. ‘You’ve got everything you want. You’re the center of attention, you’re the master of Collinwood Manor, everyone loves you… I’ve got nothing... ‘

‘That’s not true. There’s one thing I don’t have. I still haven’t found my one true love.’

My one true love was standing right in front of me. 

‘And you’ve got me,’ he whispered. 

‘True. I… I’m so happy that you… you know…’


‘Nothing. The stars are beautiful tonight.’ I said.

‘Just like you,’ Barnabas responded.

I giggled. ‘You really think so? Well, you’re very handsome as well. If you weren’t my brother, I would have…’

He grabbed my face with two hands. His hand was still warm and it felt very nice on my cold face.

He gently stroked my cheek. He had never touched me like that before and it was wonderful. 

‘Would you have done the same as I do to you now?’ he whispered. 

‘What do you mea-’ I was cut off by Barnabas leaning in. Oh my god, was he going to kiss me? 

We were nose to nose and I could feel my face getting bright red. I could now clearly see the differences between us. Not just basic differences, like he had short and I had long hair, but also the difference in our skin tone. He was slightly tanned and I was a little paler. 

All the sound vanished when Barnabas came even closer to me and put his lips on mine. 

My stomach exploded. I had never been kissed before and it felt amazing. His lips were warm and soft and a little wet. I couldn’t do anything but moan against his mouth. His lips were so soft that I wanted to bite them. Barnabas probably had the same idea and he bit my bottom lip. 

‘Ow!’ I let out. ‘Be careful! Wait… Why are you kissing me?’

‘Because.’ he smirked. He pulled me close and kissed me again, more firmly this time. 

I moaned against his mouth again. He cupped my face to kiss me deeper. I cupped his face too and I totally gave in. I didn’t even have to try, I just went into it automatically. 

Our lips moved in sync. It was perfect. I wanted to stand like this forever. His face was so soft. How often did I wonder about what kissing was like? I knew I actually had to push him off of me, but I didn’t want it to stop. 

I looked at him madly in love. ‘Barney…’

‘Ssh. Don’t say anything.’ he whispered.

‘Mr Collins! There you are! I was looking for you!’ one of those servants came to us. 

‘There’s someone who wants to talk about business with you.’

‘I’ll be there in a minute,’ he told her. He put a last kiss on my lips.

I was left alone and I wanted to dance all over the balcony. When Barnabas was done talking, we sneaked away and we talked for like an eternity. I hoped that he would kiss me again, but he didn’t do anything until I went to bed. 

He placed a slow kiss on my lips. ‘Goodnight, my dear.’

‘Sweet dreams, Barney,’ I whispered.

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