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‘Do you remember our trip to France?’ he asks.

‘Yeah, of course I do. That’s when you got that big fat hangover.’

‘Oh, don’t talk about that. That was terrible. I had to lead a meeting with that throbbing headache.’

‘Yeah, and you were so dead drunk that you fell asleep on top of me!’ 

‘Those were the good old days,’ he laughs.  ‘Yeah, our mansion has gotten pretty withered.’

‘Yeah, I couldn’t… You know…’

‘We’ll restore both our mansion and our fishing business. They’ll love us again.’ he continues.

‘They’ll love YOU,’ I respond.

‘No, us,’ he corrects me. ‘I’ll take care of that. You’ll never be invisible ever again.’

I wasn’t so invisible when Barnabas had just thrown himself off that cliff. Everyone came to me. 

Collinwood Manor, 1776

‘Hey, you’re… Venus, right?’ one girl once asked. ‘Barnabas Collinses little sister.’

‘Yeah, uh, that’s me,’ I responded. 

‘I’m so sorry for your loss,’ she said. 

‘Don’t say that, then I’ll…’ I began to cry and ran away.

Collinwood Manor, October 15th, 2021

‘You won’t believe how much I missed you,’ I tell him.

‘Hm, I missed you too. I missed your cursing and your shyness.’

I hug him. ‘We’re back together now. How does that feel?’ 

Then, Barnabas gasps when he hears a meow. ‘Is that Caesar?’

‘Oh no, that’s Angel,’ I tell him. ‘Caesar passed away centuries ago. I buried him in our backyard, I hope you don’t mind that…’

‘No, that’s okay. Is her name really Angel?’ he asks. ‘You’re so original with names.’

‘Yes, that’s her name.’ Angel is a Persian cat, just like Caesar was. But he was white, Angel is light brown, like chocolate.

‘She makes me think of chocolate,’ I tell him. ‘Remember when you and I would hide ourselves and steal some of our parents’ bonbons?’

‘Yes…’ he chuckles. ‘We were so close. We can be like that again.’

Angel meows and then jumps onto the couch. 

‘Caesar always slept on my bed,’ I tell him. ‘And then dad caught me with him.’

‘Goddamnit Venus, I told you that cat was NOT allowed to lay on your bed!’ Barnabas imitates him. ‘But, you’re changing the subject. Don’t you remember?’

‘Remember what?’ I stammer.

‘Do you remember…’ he starts. He starts to unbutton his blouse. ‘...all those naughty things we did together, Venus?’

‘Yeah, but I was just a fucking toy for you!’ 

‘No, you weren’t.’

‘What?’ I ask.

‘I enjoyed everything I did with you.’

‘Yeah, but that was because you were a fucking playboy. You liked all the girls. And you made me feel something…’

‘What?’ he asks.

‘Barnabas, I… I was… I was in love… I was in love with you…’ I stammer.

‘That is cute,’ he responds. 

‘Fuck you,’ I sneer.

He puts his finger under my chin so I need to look at him. 

‘I knew it a long time already,’ he whispers. 

‘Whát?’ And then you didn’t even talk to me to say that it was wrong?’

‘Because… I couldn’t. I was so... ‘ 

‘You were amazing. We had some great times together.’

‘We did,’ he responds.

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