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I also remember a time when we threw a ball and it went completely wrong. Fortunately, everyone could only laugh at it, especially Barnabas. Mother and father were not so happy, but they also had to laugh at it in the end.

I was fed up with the people ignoring me and only paying attention to Barnabas, so I snuck upstairs to the attic. I opened the door and went inside.

Caesar was laying in his basket. He was lying on his side. He rolled over when he saw me and started to rub his face up against me while purring loudly. It was such a sweet cat.

I lifted him up. ‘Wanna get a glimpse of the ball and all its guests?’

‘Meow,’ he responded.

I snuck to the bottom of the stairs while still holding him in my arms. It wasn’t easy, but I succeeded. 

He just stared with his big sea blue eyes.

‘You see, Caesar,’ I whispered. 

But suddenly, he jumped out of my arms and rushed to Barnabas. 

‘Oh no, no! Come back!’ I chased after him. 
He rushed underneath a table with food on it.

‘Goddamnit, Caesar!’ I cursed softly. ‘Come back here!’ I tried to grab him. 

He hissed at me, causing me to gasp. He had never hissed at me before. 

Suddenly, I heard some guests talking and then I heard them laugh. 

I looked up and saw that Caesar was sitting on the table. He was literally devouring the meat. 

‘Oh no, that cat! That cat is touching the meat!’ father said. ‘Venus!’

‘He jumped out of my arms, father, I couldn’t hold him anymore! He suddenly rushed to Barnabas!’

Barnabas was just laughing. He grabbed Caesar in the scruff of his neck, causing him to meow loudly. 

Barnabas took him in his arms and patted him. He meowed again and again, until Barnabas started to pat him behind his ears, which was his favorite place to be patted.

‘What a cute cat!’ someone said. ‘What’s his name?’


‘That’s a nice name! I didn’t know you guys had a cat!’

‘Naughty cat,’ Barnabas told Caesar. ‘I’mma get you upstairs.’

Caesar meowed protestingly. 

When Barnabas had taken him upstairs, the ball just continued. He danced with a few girls. He was such an amazing dancer. 

I bumped into him when I wanted to go outside. 

‘Ow!’ we said in unison, causing us to laugh. 

A bird was whistling in a tree. I recognized the sound the bird made.

‘Barney, listen… That’s a nightingale,’ I whispered.

‘It is! How do you know?’

‘Books. He sings so beautifully.’

‘Not compared to you.’

Collinwood Manor, December 18th, 2021

I'm awakened by Barnabas storming into my room. 

'What the fuck?' I groan.

'Venus, I found your birth certificate,' he says.

'Couldn't you wait until… what time is it?'

'Half past one.'

'Jesus,' I groan.

'It's still completely intact,' he tells me.

He nearly pushes it into my face. 

I can see it. 

'With lots of joy, we can share that our little bundle of joy is born,' I read.

And then there's my full name and my date of birth. Venus Naomi Collins - December 22nd, 1757, 3:15 PM.

'Hey, I didn't know that my second name was Naomi,' I tell him. 

'It was, mother gave you her name as your second name. Well, you should've witnessed their reactions after that announcement. They thought it was odd, though, suddenly having another child ten years after me. But they loved you. Everyone wanted to see you.'

'How were I as a baby?'

'You were a very easy going baby. When you cried, they only had to hold you for a few minutes and then you already stopped.'

'Did I cry a lot at night?'

'Yes. But aside from that, you were very easy going. Everyone congratulated me on the birth of my little sister.'

'You wouldn't say though,' I say. 

'How was it for you to suddenly have a little sister?'

'It was boring, in the beginning. So, actually… I was gone a lot at that time, so… until you were old enough to play with.'

'But you never actually spoke to me until I was eight.'

'And I regret that every day.'



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